Chapter Twenty-Six

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Wedding Preparations

The palace was buzzing with activity as wedding preparations for Nyla and Ryan reached full swing. Grand hallways were lined with floral arrangements, vibrant fabric swatches, and excited voices discussing every detail. This was not just any royal wedding—it was a celebration that would blend the traditions of Ryan's heritage with the vibrant spirit of Nyla's Los Angeles roots.

Nyla stood in the center of a spacious planning room, surrounded by bridal magazines, dress sketches, and photos of potential venues. Her closest friends—Josie, Treasure, and Riley—were by her side, enthusiastically weighing in on everything from color schemes to bridesmaid dresses.

"This is like a fairy tale," Treasure said, flipping through a bridal magazine. "I still can't believe you're marrying a prince, Nyla."

"And we're actually helping plan a royal wedding," Josie added with wide eyes. "This is the kind of stuff you see in movies!"

Nyla smiled, her excitement mixed with a hint of anxiety. "I want it to be perfect—for everyone. But it's hard to balance what I want with all the royal expectations."

Just then, Diane, Nyla's mother, entered carrying a tray of tea. "You girls are doing a wonderful job," she said, her voice warm and proud. "Nyla, you're going to be the most beautiful bride."

"Thanks, Mom," Nyla replied, her voice softening. "I just want to make sure it all feels right, you know?"

As the day progressed, the planning seemed to be going smoothly—until Queen Catherine entered the room, adding a layer of formality.

"Nyla," the Queen greeted, her expression composed. "How are the preparations coming along?"

Nyla straightened, projecting confidence. "They're coming together well, Your Majesty. We're finalizing the floral arrangements and the seating chart today."

Queen Catherine glanced at the documents scattered across the table. "I see. There are, however, a few matters I'd like to discuss, particularly regarding the guest list. Some of the dignitaries you've proposed may not align with royal protocol."

Nyla felt a knot in her stomach but kept her composure. "I understand, but I'd really like my close friends and family to be part of this day, especially those who've supported me through everything."

The Queen's gaze softened slightly. "Your family is important, Nyla, and I respect that. But we must also ensure the wedding maintains the dignity of the royal family, even as we blend two worlds."

Sensing the tension, Treasure stepped forward. "We just want Nyla to feel like this is her day, too—a blend of royal tradition and personal touches."

Just then, Ryan entered, instantly diffusing the tension. "What's going on here?" he asked, wrapping an arm around Nyla's waist.

"We're discussing the guest list and how to balance traditions," Nyla explained, keeping her tone light.

Ryan smiled warmly. "We'll make it work. It's our wedding, after all."

Queen Catherine's voice softened further. "Indeed, it is. I understand the importance of making it personal, Nyla. But there are certain standards we must uphold. Let's continue to find a balance."

With a few more adjustments, the Queen departed, and the atmosphere in the room lightened. Nyla let out a relieved sigh, turning to her friends.

"That was intense," Josie whispered, causing everyone to chuckle.

"I'm trying," Nyla admitted, managing a smile. "It's just... a lot to handle."

Diane placed a comforting hand on Nyla's shoulder. "You're doing a wonderful job, Buttercup. Just remember, this day is about you and Ryan. Everything else will fall into place."

Ryan leaned down, whispering in Nyla's ear. "No matter what happens, it will be the most special day—because it's about us."

Feeling a surge of love and determination, Nyla turned back to her friends. "Alright, ladies, let's get back to planning this wedding. We've got a celebration to create—one that truly reflects both worlds."

The rest of the day was filled with laughter, cake tastings, and brainstorming sessions. Despite the challenges, Nyla felt a renewed sense of purpose. This wedding wasn't just about royal obligations—it was about love, unity, and the life she and Ryan were building together.

As the evening came to a close, Nyla knew that, no matter how complicated the planning became, they would make this wedding uniquely theirs—a perfect blend of elegance, tradition, and a dash of LA flair.

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