Chapter 17

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Once again, Levi was woken up by the sound of the rooster from the barn. The little feather freak did a good job as an alarm clock but now, the raven wanted nothing more but to shoot the damn bird.

Turning on his side, Levi hissed at the mild pain that zapped on his hips. Blue-stormy eyes fluttered open as he stared at the window, slowly adjusting to the dim lighting. The curtains were down but the smaller male could tell it was about seven in the morning.

Levi sighed and buried his face on the soft pillow. Memories of the night he had with Eren came rushing back on him and he could feel his cheeks burn from the reminder. It was good. He never felt so safe with the Alpha's arms around him and his ocean scent filling his lungs. But something was missing.

Levi weakly reached out to his nape and sighed with disappointment when he couldn't feel the sting of the bite or bumps from the Alpha's teeth. His nape was still smooth and untouched.

In the middle of their heated lovemaking, Levi noted how many times the Alpha licked and scraped his teeth on his nape. Eren even latched on his scent gland, forcing his natural scent out in the open and the raven never smelt his scent that strong. He was in suppressant for so long that he sometimes forgot what his natural scent was. Back in the streets, letting his scent out was nothing but bad news. Now, Levi truly felt his freedom.

He's free.

Yet guilt struck him hard on his chest. Levi forced himself to sit up and held his hands on his beating chest.

He knew he had to tell Eren and he figured that he'll tell the brunette next week. He had to.

Levi gulped and blinked away the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. The simple thought of Eren rejecting him hurts like he was being run over by a train but Levi would accept it. He'll accept that punishment.

"Captain! Don't!"

The raven jumped at Eren's voice from the kitchen. Levi shook his head from his own thoughts and slid out of bed. His legs buckled when he rested his weight on them but he managed to stay upright and put on some clothes.

Now with decent clothing, Levi slowly walked out of the room. The first thing he saw was the table was set. The vase in the middle had new flowers, the pitcher was full of orange juice with two full glasses, the cutlery and dishes were ready and Titan was sitting on Levi's seat.

Levi turned to the kitchen and found the brunette Alpha cooking something in the clay stove. The raven walked like a cat on his tip toes, when he reached Eren, he couldn't help but hugged the Alpha from his back.

"Levi!" Eren jumped slightly and blushed deeply. "Um, ah, hi! Good morning!"

"Good morning," Levi replied sleepily.

"Um, I'm making eggs, um, what else do you want to eat?" Eren looked back at him with a smile. "I'll try to cook you everything as best as I could."

"Um, I like eggs. Put some pepper on them please?" Levi requested as he rubbed his head on the Alpha's back. Eren had showered now and it pissed the raven that he couldn't smell his scent on the Alpha. Don't get the smaller male wrong, he loved that Eren's fresh and clean but he still wanted his scent on his Alpha. Because they didn't proceed with the bonding, one bath could take away other scents from their skin.

"It's almost done," Eren struggled to reach the pepper on the cupboard. He recently didn't want to rest his weight on the tiny Omega to keep his balance. "Um, you sit on my seat."

Levi leg go of the brunette, then he stared back at his seat and found Titan making himself comfortable on his chair. The feline was bathing himself with no care of the world. He was trying to reach the parts of his back that he didn't notice that he'll be falling off the edge any minute now.

"Hm," Levi hummed, instead of taking the brunette's seat at the dining table, the raven scooped the cat in his arms.

"Meow!" Titan complained.

"You were about to fall and I saved you," Levi hissed back at the black cat as he transported Titan to the living room.

When Levi returned to the kitchen, his plate of eggs as well as Eren was waiting for him.

"Thank you," Levi gave his husband a small smile.

"Don't mention it-" Eren paused when he saw Levi winced when he took his seat. "Are you in pain?"

"No, I'm fine," Levi reassured and helped himself with his eggs.

"If the pain is too much I got some meds for it... This is my fault," Eren deflated.

"No, it's not," Levi said after he swallowed his breakfast, he reached for his glass and took a sip. "Hm, the eggs are good."

"Really? It's just eggs," Eren shrunk on his spot. "You deserved more."

Levi paused from drinking his orange juice. Eren was wrong, Levi had it all he could ever want because of the brunette. This was what he dreamed before he slept in the dirty street and Eren still thought that he deserved more?

Levi stood abruptly, startling the brunette across the table.

"What? Do the eggs need more pepper?" Eren asked anxiously.

"No," Levi shook his head, leaning down, he cupped the Alpha's face and guide the other to look at him.

"Then-" Eren's speech was cut off when the raven leaned down and pressed his lips on his.

Blue-stormy eyes open to see Ocean-green orbs staring back at him with pure shock and heavy blush on his face.

"Pfft," Levi bit back his laugh.

Eren practically melted. "Don't laugh, please..."

The raven bit his lower lip to conceal his laughter but after a few seconds, he couldn't stop it. He threw back his head and laughed like he never laughed so hard before.

"Wow," Eren's surprised voice made him rein his laughter. When the raven's eyes landed on him again, Eren continued to melt. "I-I like your l-laugh..."

"Oh dear," Levi giggled and leaned forward to peck Eren's lips again. "You're so cute."

Eren averted his gaze, the deep blush still present on his face and now reaching down his neck. "Am not, I'm an Alpha," he whispered.

"Oh, I think I need a reminder."

"What- wait!" Eren squealed when Levi suddenly sat on his lap. His hands flew anywhere but on the raven. "Levi, um..."

"You don't want this?" Levi purred, resting his head on the brunette's shoulder.

"No, I like it... I like you..." Eren felt his head was about to give off steam while his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He panicked again at the thought that Levi could hear his beating heart.

"I like you too," Levi purred. He reached out to the brunette Alpha's hands and wrapped them on his body. "There, this feels nice and... safe."

"You like me?" Eren gaped, unsure. "Like, you know, um, like love?"

"I like you, I love you Alpha," Levi purred contently, then he frowned. He slightly looked up to Eren. "You don't believe me?"

"I... I thought you'll hate me after..." Eren gulped.

"I hate you alright," Levi puffed.


"Why didn't you bonded with me?"

"Um, are you sure you want to be with... me?"

Levi raised at Eren's dejected tone. He gazes into the brunette's sad eyes, it seems like the Alpha was about to cry any second now. Levi rested his forehead on the brunette, letting Eren search in his eyes for the truth.


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