Chapter 25

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In the distance, one could hear the train's whistle, informing everyone of Shingansina's station's arrival. The station is empty, save for the red-hair Omega waiting on one of the benches. She held both hands on her chest as the train approached, nervous to finally meet her pen pal.

The station's floorboards shook a little when the train arrived, slowing down to a stop. The doors opened and she held her breath.

Only one passenger got off, pale blonde hair, tall and slender frame, his soft blue eyes locked on big green ones.

He smiled and Isabelle smiled back.

Levi stared at the almost empty cocoa tin can in his hands. It's been weeks since they went to town and buy groceries but the raven Omega is still unsure of going to town, after all, Eren is still at war with some of his friends.

They never dined in Historia's place again while Sasha and Connie dropped by one day to give Levi some peace offering bread and meat but Eren simply ignored them. However, when the two Betas left, the brunette Alpha snacked on the bread and cooked the meat himself.

He still loves his friends but Eren can hold a grudge and that makes Levi worry.

Closing the cocoa tin, Levi took a deep breath and planned. He should go buy groceries and prepare sandwiches to snack for their picnic by the lake. And by then, Levi will bare the truth.

With determination, Levi soath out the Alpha who's tending the cows in the barn. The raven was immediately greeted by Maria, the border collie was jumping in the air for pets. Levi ended up showing the dog with pets and belly rubs.

“Levi?” Eren called out when he smelt his mate near.

“Yes, it's me.”

“Is there something wrong? Do you need anything? What can I do for you?” Eren asked as he limped his way towards the Omega.

Levi chuckled. “Nothing serious but can we visit the lake that you're telling me about this afternoon?”

Eren beamed. “Yes, of course! Let me just finish the tending of the animals and help you get ready! I promise you'll love it there Levi! We can also take a dip if you like.”

“Sure but first I need to go to town and buy groceries.”

The idea of Levi going to town alone again made Eren growl, he stepped closer to the Omega and wrapped an arm around the other's waist protectively. “I'm coming with you.”

“No need. I can handle it. I might need to borrow Rogue and the cart this time.”


“It's okay, Eren. You have to finish your work here and I'm sure that the people in town will no longer mess with me.”

Eren pursed his lips and glanced at the cows that were lining up for him to take care of. With a long sigh, he nodded. “Okay, whatever happens in town, you must tell me.”

“I will,” Levi closed the gap between them and pressed his lips on his Alpha.

Leaving Rogue in the stables, Levi took a deep breath before going to the town center. It was busy and people were going about their day. He did spot Ymir on the sea of people but he ignored her and quickened his pace. He didn't want to confront anyone and wanted nothing more but to buy groceries and go home.

He was almost at Petra's store when he felt someone tapped his shoulder.

“Hey, shorty.”

Levi straightened and shot whoever it was a death glare. “What?!” he growled and arched a brow when he discovered it was Ymir.

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