Chapter 03

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The wagon creaked as the horse pulled it with a decent amount of speed.

Levi knew that it was necessary to hurry because of the up-coming downpour but it was an experience to remember. Riding a wagon through a bumpy road was simply Levi's first, he already lost count on how many times he bounces on his seat.

"Whoa," Levi softly gasped when the wheels caught on some rocks.

"I'm so sorry," Eren apologized sincerely. "But we have to hurry or the rain will soak as wet and your luggage as well."

"It's fine-whoa!" Levi bounced again when they passed the uneven road. His knuckles' turning white as he gripped on the edge for support.
"This is just new to me," he chuckled, despite his fear of getting thrown off the wagon. Setting aside his fears, Levi felt the rush of adrenaline in him. He loved being fast and letting the wind brush his face, he figured that he found it self-satisfying after years of running.

"The city must be nice then?"

"Well, not really. They don't have fresh air," Levi sighed, closing his eyes as he inhaled the fresh breeze of the countryside. He can smell the rain too but it was refreshing and cool unlike in the city.

"I hope you will like it here," Eren said shyly.

"Actually, I'm starting to like it now." Levi eyed the green meadows as the passed by. Even with the gloomy skies, the place was beautiful. And the raven bet it will be stunning once the skies cleared up.

A small smile managed to pull on the corners of Eren's lips as he observed his wife. He was glad to see Levi warming up at the scenery of the countryside. He just hoped that it will continue. The brunette prayed that the Omega won't back away if he truly experienced the life in the countryside. Eren admitted that it was hard but he promised to always be there for the raven for support.

Digging in his brain, Eren thought of another topic to keep their conversation going. "Um, Rivaille. So can you tell me more about France?"

"Well," Levi dragged. He never had been to France, though he heard a lot of buzz about the place. Levi opened his mouth but he paused. Distracted. In the distance, he heard a rush of sounds. Sound like... rain.

"Eren," Levi held on his husband's arm as he witnessed the rain rushing in the distance.

"Hold on. Rogue! Go! Go!" He ordered the stallion.

Rogue picked up his pace, sensing his master's urgency as he stomped his hooves on the dirt road with force.

"Whoa!" Levi yelp, both hands latched into Eren's arm as the wagon jumped at the rough road with Titan's speed.

"It's okay," Eren crooned at his companion. With one hand, he let go of the reins, he snaked his arm on Levi's waist to prevent the small Omega from falling off the wagon.

Levi automatically scooted closer to the Alpha and wrapped his arms around Eren's waist. A single drop of rain landed on his cheek until a few dropped on his baby blue skirt, turning the wet areas in dark blue.

"It's okay, we are almost there," Eren reassured. Flicking the reins and clicking his tongue to encourage the stallion.

Few droplets became thousands that poured under their heads. The rain reached them no matter how fast Rogue pulled them.

Levi shivered at the cold as his clothes got wet. The breeze didn't help with his shivering, forcing him to scoot even closer to the brunette. Leaching into Eren's body heat.

"Don't worry we're almost there," Eren said as he saw his farm in the distance. He struggled to reach down at his handkerchief and placed it on Levi's head. It was not much but it was better.

Levi placed his hand on the handkerchief in his head. It's doesn't help now that he was all wet and cold but he found the act sweet.

Blinking several times to keep the rainwaters out of his vision, Levi watched as the entered the archway of a farm. They stopped in front of an old-looking house, the paint is dry and falling off and one of the windows had a huge crack on it and only a tape was pulling it together. Levi figured that this will be where he's going to live. He was not complaining but the exterior needed a lot of work.

Eren struggled to get off the wagon and Levi immediately helped him by reaching out for his crutch.

"Thanks, I'll get your bag. Can you get off the wagon?"

"Yes, don't worry," Levi easily hopped out of the wagon. Cringing when his brown boot splat in the mud. But now was not the time, instead of going to the porch to seek shelter, Levi helped Eren with his bag and they both reached the house.

Levi's teeth were chattering when Eren opened the door. The raven stepped in without waiting for an invitation, arms holding himself to seek heat.

Eren, still dripping wet, limped his way to a room and came back with a fluffy looking bathrobe, a towel, and a blanket. "Here, take off your clothes and wear this for now. I'll just put Rogue in the barn."

"B-but it is still raining and your soak," Levi took the offered robe and blanket.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon. You can change here while I'm gone. Just put your clothes in that basket." Eren pointed at the said basket that was placed in the corner.

Levi nodded, another breeze came from the open door caused his entire body to shiver.

Eren limped his way out and once the door was closed, Levi took off his wet clothes and piled them on the basket. He immediately wrapped himself with the bathrobe, dried his hair with the towel, and pulled the blanket around him to keep the cold out.

Levi settled himself in the wooden loveseat. Legs pulled up as he adjusted the blanket until only his face was visible. Now that he stopped shivering like a wet chick, Levi took his time to eyed the house.

Right in front of him was a fireplace with a pile of wood on the side. No matter how much wanted Levi to light it, he'll wait until Eren comes back. He doesn't want to be rude, they may be married but they are still acquaintances. The walls needed another set of wallpaper or paint since the ones it had right now was faded, making the house dark and gloomy. There was so much space with the minimal furniture Eren had.

The kitchen was right next the living room. There was a lot of out storage and counter space but the kitchen still looked empty. Only one cup and two plates were in the dish holder.

Stormy-blue eyes wondered furthered in the house. He spotted three doors, he figured the one near the kitchen was the bathroom and the remaining two were bedrooms. What also caught his eyes were the portraits in the walls. A woman with shoulder-length hair and a gentleman with glasses. Seeing the resemblance, Levi figured they are Eren's parents.

In his peripheral vision, a black object jumped up the loveseat. Levi flinched but after discovering that it was a cat, probably Eren's cat, the raven can't help but smile. The black cat sniffed at him and then yawned, making Levi yawned as well. The feline settled himself on Levi's side, purring as he drifted to sleep.

Levi's felt the tiredness of his journey and allowed himself a small nap.

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