Chapter 21

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Levi pulled Rogue's reins to stop the stallion from his tracks. Blue-gray eyes squinted at the vast field, the heavy rain and dark sky didn't help with his vision but he was able to spot a lone cow a few meters away.

"Rogue, let's go!" Flicking the reins, he rode towards the cow and guided it to run to the barn where the others seek shelter from the downpour.

Levi was soaking wet when he returned home, Titan was meowing at his arrival, probably pissed at the raven for opening the front door and letting in the cold wind.

Groaning, the raven pull off his boots and pants. With the heavy rain, mud coated his boots and they almost reach his knees. He'll wash them later as he set them on the porch, now he just wanted to sit in front of the fireplace with Titan curled up in his lap.

With two layers of blanket on his shoulders and Titan radiating heat on his lap, Levi sat on the floor with the fire crackling in the fireplace.

Levi didn't know how to ride a horse or herd cattle but he had no choice. Eren went to town with Jean to sell livestock, the raven knew of the upcoming bidding and the brunette Alpha insisted that he should join him to see what it was like. But the raven Omega refuses, he rather stay at home and looks after the house and animals. Also, Levi's not ready yet to face the people in town after what happened. It would take awkward and he had no idea how to handle that.

“I'm not holding any grudges against them,” Levi sighed while petting the cat. “But I just don't want to be caught up in an awkward conversation and Eren is still mad at them.”

Titan curled up into a ball in his lap.

It was around mid-afternoon when it started to drizzle and Levi took the initiative to lead the remaining cows in the barn with Maria's help. He didn't expect that herding cattle was so hard, he saw Eren do it before and it looked so easy. Levi missed a cow, there's one stubborn one that didn't want to follow the rest of the herd. He mounted Rogue with a little difficulty but he manage to stay upright while running around the property looking for the lone cow under the downpour.

He got all animals inside the barn at least and today Levi's was able to accomplish something that's not cooking and cleaning.

Levi giggled, he couldn't wait to tell his Alpha when he gets home. He already expected Eren to fuss over him, asking him if he was okay and Levi didn't want him to worry anymore. Getting sick because of the rain was no longer in his book as well.

Knowing how clean the floor was, Levi laid on his side and bask in the warmth. Titan didn't like the sudden change of his position but the cat didn't leave him and dozed back off immediately.

“Eren would be coming home soon,” Levi mumbled, eyes half open as he was ready for a short nap. He knew that the brunette Alpha didn't care if it was raining, Eren would run through the rain to get home to make sure Levi was alright. The raven didn't lock the door, already expecting Eren to be home in a few minutes.


In the middle of his nap, Levi heard someone leading their horse in front of the house. A smile stretch on his lips, expecting that it was his dear Alpha who was finally home.

It was still raining and the scent of wet earth fills the vicinity but Levi's was able to pick up the scent of the newcomer when they set foot on the porch.

Levi's eyes shot open, his heart skyrockets in his chest.

The scent. It was an Alpha. But it was not Eren or Jean.

It was new.

Levi scrambled from his position, he was propping himself with his elbow when the door opened. Revealing the newcomer who decided to enter his home.

A female Alpha loomed over the entrance, her police uniform was soaking wet and her dark eyes zoned at the Omega.

Levi gaped at the Alpha. His flight or fight response was conflicted as he stared at the police officer. How and why the police officer suddenly appeared in his doorway, the raven had no idea but if the officer recognized him he had to act indifferent, or else his cozy and loving life with Eren will be gone and Levi's back to the street or worst, in jail.

Levi struggled to stand to his feet, Titan was startled by his movement but when the cat saw the newcomer, Titan hissed at her, fur standing on his back.

"I'm sorry officer but you can't just barge into someone's home like this," Levi put on a brave front as he narrows his eyes on the Alpha.

"Someone's home?" She repeated, her dark eyes zoned at Levi. "This is my home."

The raven's brows furrowed at the other's statement. "I'm sorry but you got the wrong house."

"No, I'm don't. Where is Eren and who are you?" She demanded.

"Eren..." Levi pursed his lips. "You know Eren?"

He studies the officer, her uniform is giving him that nostalgia feeling of fear, his instincts told him to run away or beat up the Alpha but it seems like the female Alpha didn't recognize him as a wanted theif in the city. Maybe this office was stationed in a diffirent city? Whereever this Alpha lady came from, Levi shouldn't let his guard down.

"Yes, and who are you? I don't like repeating myself," there was venom in her voice, and that made Levi flinch.



Eren's voice made Levi close his mouth and the raven lean on the side to peer at the doorway, right there on the porch were Eren and Jean, both drenched from the rain.

The female Alpha gasped and ran towards the brunette, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. Eren was as shock as Levi after seeing the Alpha officer.

"Eren, I miss you," the female Alpha sobbed.

Levi watched with a pang in his chest. Jean was on the sideline and noticed the raven Omega's reaction and mouthed the word "sister" to the raven.

Furrowing his brows, Levi was confused. Eren didn't mention him having any siblings. Why did Eren never tell him about this Alpha girl and the fact that she's a police officer?

Levi's heart dropped at the thought that maybe Eren saw Rivaille's letter that he hid on the very end of the bottom drawer in his room. But then again, the raven could never be sure but it was enough for Levi to feel like he was walking on eggshells.

"Wait, Mikasa! Let go we have to get inside and dry up!" Eren released himself from the other's embrace.

"Alright but who is that Omega first," the Alpha, Mikasa pointed at Levi.

"Eren, you still haven't told her?" Jean whispered to the brunette.

Eren sighed, he looked up to the raven with a frown, his eyes were pleading at the Levi. "I see that you already met my Levi. He's my mate."

"WHAT?!" Mikasa exploded and Levi winched at her voice.

"Mikasa listen," Eren started but was interrupted by his sister.

"When did this happen? Where do you meet him? You didn't tell me anything?" The last sentence sounded like Mikasa was about to cry.

"You know what?" Jean laughed nervously. "I have my animals to tend to at my place, I just dropped Eren off. Um, I have to go! Welcome back Mikasa and see ya later!"

The two-toned Alpha hurriedly went to his cart and rode off the property, not letting the ran stop him.

Eren and Mikasa watched him go silently while Levi was nervously clutching the hem of his shirt. When the brunnete Alpha glance a him again, the raven sucked in breath, why was Eren looking at him like that? Like his mate was sending silent apologies to him with his pleading green eyes.

Mikasa hummed bitterly as she turned towards the door and let herself in the house.

Levi tensed when she entered and his gaze drifted at the water on his clean floor that came from her drenched clothes. She towered the raven and her eyes reflected her disapproval.

She sharply turned to Eren who was walking behind her and growled. "You've got alot of explaining to do."

Levi gulped. He should have beaten up this officer when he had a chance.

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