Chapter 09

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Lunch was divine. The restaurant's special did live up to its name, with a full belly and some-what healed feet, Levi's mood lightens up than ever.

They stop to buy everything on their list in Ral's general store. The shop was bigger than the others but it was organized and clean to Levi's surprise.

While Eren went out to talk to the carpenter for the barn's expansion, he left the list and the money to Levi.

Levi took a few tousers from the shelves, one by one he checks the sizes and the pant length. In the end, he only found five that will fit him perfectly.

"This will do," Levi nodded. He also got extra shirts, three nightgowns, and socks.

Placing his tousers in the basket, Levi took another basket and drop all the basic ingredients for the kitchen. Salt, pepper, onions, spices, and flour. He also reached for coffee, tea, and sugar. The raven added extra cups, plates, and utensils as well.

Going back to the counter, he lined up his basket before going to the far corner where the paint was displayed. Levi took buckets of paint, white and blue. He can already picture out the house in baby blue with white paint on the trims and window frames. It's going to be beautiful. It took Levi three trips to move the paints to the foot of the counter. He also snatched a bag of flowers seeds and grass seeds while he was at it. After the heavy rain the front yard was muddy and brown, something green would be nice.

Crossing out the paint on the list, Levi was done. But Eren mentioned that he can buy what he needed afterward.

With that, Levi went to get fabrics and a set of needles, threads, and pins. He wanted to sew quilts for both of them and maybe one for Titan and Maria.

With everything in place, Levi sighed and stretches his back.

"That's a lot huh," the strawberry-haired Omega behind the counter commented. She was silent as she watched Levi go back in forth with all the items he got.

"Oh, um... Yes..." Levi scanned all the items. He covered everything except for the tea set. "Do you sell a teapot or a complete tea set?"

"Of course, on the fourth aisle."

"Thank you," Levi went to the aisle. Currently, they only have three sets available and five plain teapots. Levi wanted the set and not just any set, the porcelain with pink sakura flowers in them. It had a tray and everything. But it's very expensive.

Levi bit his lower lip while he contemplated. He can buy a furniture set with that amount of money.

"Can I help you?" the strawberry blonde Omega finally left her post and went to Levi's side.

"Ummm," Levi hesitated but decided to reach for the plain blue teapot. With the extra cups he bought, having a set is not necessary. The raven closed his eyes for a second, reminding himself that he shouldn't be greedy.

The raven noticed the other Omega's eyes were on him, probably seen him struggle to reach for the plain teapot. Levi was a little embarrassed. "This will be all."

"Alright, please be patient with me while I calculate everything," the Omega smiled at him. "Oluo! Be a dear and help me pack!" she shouted at the back and not longer and Alpha showed up and packed everything while the strawberry blonde Omega did the numbers.

While the shop keepers were busy, Levi spends the waiting time staring at the tea set. After a good minute, the female Omega came to him with the total amount.

"Thank you so much!" she beamed as Levi paid.

Levi hummed, eyes still drifting on the tea set.

"I'm Petra by the way," she smiled.

"Hi, I'm Levi..." blue-gray eyes kept on drifting on the tea set.

"You know, Eren won't mind if you buy that tea set."

Levi turned to her. Just like Historia, Petra also doubted him. Levi doesn't need words to know, after living in the streets, the raven mastered the art of reading people with their body language and eye contact. He expected this.

"I don't need it," Levi said quietly. He wanted it alright but he can brew a good tea with a simple plain blue teapot.

"Are you sure? That's the only stock we had left."

"I'm sure."

The bell rang as Eren entered the shop, his green eyes landed on the items that Levi got. He turned to Petra. "Is Oluo free today? We could use an extra cart."

"Of course, we'll ship the rest if they all can't fit," Petra smiled. "Honey!" she called out but when she didn't get a reply, she went to the back.

"Is this everything?" Eren asked as he limps his way next to Levi.

"Yeah, how was the talk with the carpenter?"

"Thankfully he was free and was ready to work tomorrow."

"That's great," Levi smiled and pulled out the remaining money he had.

"I was thinking we should add more paint, for the barn."

"Of course, I think we have still more than enough for the paint," Levi counted.

"That money is for the house, we should get it here," Eren pulled his wallet and gave it to Levi.

The raven separated the money for the materials for the barn and payment for the carpenter. That way they can easily calculate the budget.

"Oh, yes," Levi nodded and took the wallet. "What color should we get?"

"My barn is always red but I was thinking of changing it into something lighter," Eren said, his eyes drifted on the paint that Levi had selected. "I like the blue you got."

"Oh, the baby blue?" Levi smiled. He doesn't mind if the barn has the same color as their house, it seems to match though.

"Yes, but if you don't like that the barn will be the same color as the house then-"

"Eren, it's fine," Levi took his hand and patted it. "I think it will look wonderful. Now that I think about it, maybe we should paint the archway too."

"Oh, yes... I sometimes forgot that there's an archway in the entrance."

Levi laughed. Eren was simply adorable.

When Petra and the Alpha, who Levi recalled that his name was Oluo, came out of from the back, they started loading everything in the two carts. Levi was on his last trip, carrying bags of ingredients when his feet started to ache.

Levi sucks in air while he leans all his weight on the cart. Looking over his shoulder he made sure that Eren was busy with Rogue before he bolted to the general store.

Behind the counter, Petra was busy listing down the inventory. Levi almost tripped at the ache on his feet if he wasn't able to grasp the counter.

"Whoa!" Petra jumped. "You okay?"

"Um, ah," Levi dug deep into his memory, he can't remember what's the name of the ointment that Isabelle gave him. "Do you have ointments for bruises in the feet?"

"Bruises?" Petra peered at Levi's boots. "If those boots were killing you, you could have worn a different one you know," she said. Turning back to Levi she searched at the drawers.

"Eren asked me to wear these," Levi said while he took the nearest stool to rest his feet.

"You could have said no," Petra shrugged and passed the ointment.

Levi quickly went to work and fixed up his feet, occasionally looking over the door in case the brunette Alpha comes in.

"Not used to heavy, thick shoes then? You should tell Eren that they're hurting you."

Levi sighed at the cool ointment that soothes his injuries. Putting on his socks and boots he paid Petra.

"I'm fine and Eren doesn't need to worry about it," Levi said, this time he glared at Petra before leaving the general store.

Petra leaned on the counter and tapped her cheek. Smiling. Maybe they are wrong about Levi.

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