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I would like to thank everyone for your support! I can't believed I hit 1k followers in Wattpad! I can't thank you guys enough, this made me so happy. In exchange, I'll share this story. I'm planning of updating this in bulk, it might take some time but it will a good read. I hope you like it ♥

Support me in Patreon if you guys want early access ♥

- zerozaki_Zen


The sounds of the high pitched whistles woke up the night. Alphas and Betas in uniforms dashed from alleyways to streets. Their service dogs were tall and dangerously huge with mouths ready to bite, sniffed at the piece of torn cloth on the officer's hand. They growled when they registered the scent.

The scent of an Omega, but not just an Omega. A thief.

They howled before tracing the scent, one dog, a German Shepherd, growled and bolted on a certain direction.

The officers followed the beast to a dark alleyway between the apartment area. The dog squeezed his head between the dumpster and pulled out another torn cloth.

The officers examined it, eyes survey the area in hopes that they could finally corner and caught him. But after an hour of clearing the alleyway, they found nothing.


Levi whizzed for breath, calming himself after a laborious climbing. Raising up on his knees, he peeked at the window only to see the cops retreating from the area. Levi allowed himself to collapsed at the floor, letting his body rest after hours of running.

They almost caught him.

"Almost," Levi smirked, quite proud of himself but at the same time, pitied himself.

It was nothing but pure luck that Levi was able to slip out of their grasped and avoided those huge dogs. He ran, not caring if his legs gave out or if his breath couldn't catch up. He needed to escape, no matter what. But this was not the end and it would never end.

Levi couldn't recall when was the last time he stopped running. Ever since he learned how to run, he ran. At an early age, stealing kept him alive. Not entirely, but the money he got from stealing kept him safe. Safe him his own heats.

When he was presented as an Omega, he was lucky that he had friends that protected him but when they died, he had to buy suppressants. Those drugs stopped heats as well as ruts yet they don't come in cheap. If days were slow, Levi rather not eat than not buying suppressants. He may be a thief but he'll never be a whore.

When the sound of whistles were nothing but distant noise, Levi got to his feet and steal everything he can.

Today was his lucky day. After he outran the cops, he sought into the alleyway. Heads up, looking at any opened windows in the building that he could sneak in. He only spotted one, it was on the third floor. Desperation and adrenaline aided him to climbed the brick wall until he reached the window. Thankfully, the room was empty and the scent of Omega was also present in the room.

Proceeding to the drawers, Levi inspected the clothes. He held a shirt out, allowing the moon's light to shine on it. It was small almost Levi's size and the owner's scent was strong.

Planning out, Levi used the bathroom for a quick wash, just enough to so that his own scent won't overpower the other.

He wore the clothes, rubbing each on his scent gland in hopes that it would hide his scent from the cops.

Now fully dressed and smelling like a different Omega, Levi searched the room for anything that worth money.

He found a pouch of coins that will help a lot and a few bills under the mattress of the bed. He went to the desk, opening each cabinet. He found a watch and a locket, raising the watch higher, Levi smirked when he deemed that it does worth a lot. Moving on the locket, he opened it and found a faded portrait of an Omega. The Omega had long wavy long raven hair with gentle eyes, Levi assumed that this Omega might be the owner of the room. Pocketing what he found, he was about to leave the room when he noticed a train ticket sitting on the desk.

Grinning wildly, Levi snatched the ticket and examined it. It's a ticket to Shingansina. Levi hesitated. That town was nothing but a dot on the maps, barely noticeable. The raven wondered why the owner got a very expensive train ticket and choose Shingansina as a destination. Looking passed the ticket, Levi missed the letters that were spread on the desk.

Levi skimmed as many letters as he could to get the whole picture, and at the very bottomed for the letters was a newspaper. It showed an ad, asking for an Omega wife. Levi's eyes were blown wide as he read the letter that was on top of the pile. This one, the owner still hadn't finished yet.

"Dear Eren,
You are a gentleman and I thank you for your kind and honest words. However, I must apologize. I can't go to Shingansina and marry you, my boss gave me an opportunity to continue my schooling. It was such an honor for a servant to go to school, I hope you'll understand. I'll repay you for the ticket you bought for me..."

And the ink stopped there. This must have been Levi's lucky day. With his face known to every corner, this was a great escape. Searching for a name in the letters, Levi found 'Rivialle'. That will be his name.

He looked for a bag and stuffed it with clothes from the drawer. He found a hat, a coat, a pair of boots and gloves that will do well for his journey.

Checking his scent, Levi confirmed that he smelt like a different Omega. It was enough to walk down the streets to the train station without those damn dogs noticing. He took all the letters, even the newspaper. Thinking that it would be wise to know what he's going for.

Levi took a deep breath as he reached the doorknob. With determination, he opened the door and left the building like a tenant.

He casually walked down the streets, humming a soft tune. When he heard an officer's whistle, he tensed but he kept walking until he reached the station.

Even at night, the station was always busy, buzzing with activities as people proceeded to their business. Levi went to the board and checked his train. Only three minutes. He was indeed a lucky bastard.

Taking one of the vacant seats in the station. He didn't wait that long until the sounds of a distant rumbling of gears and the stench of burnt coal filled the air. Levi stood from his seat, still keeping an eye on his surroundings.

As the train finally stopped, opening its doors, the cops arrived at the station with their dogs in tow.

Levi cursed and quickly went straight in the train with the other passengers with his head down. Taking the seat at the very end, Levi kept his head low, as if he was in deep thought so that he won't be noticeable on the window.

When the train finally left the station, Levi relaxed. He was still running but this time, he's far enough that no one would know his face. Maybe far enough to start a new life.

Levi welcomed the idea. He's not getting younger, and he could feel the stress of running in his body. If things go well, maybe Levi could finally settle down.

Reaching for his bag, he fished out the letters and started reading.


edited 01/29/21

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