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𝙅𝙖𝙝𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨

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𝙅𝙖𝙝𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨

"SATAN move yo ass I said I'm fine I just wanna put the flowers out there and spend sometime with her." I shoved him over in the back of my uncles van as we drove to my mothers grave site.

Being back in this city was so damn depressing but I had no other choice this week was getting harder and harder as they days got closer to her passing day I stayed to myself and very quiet which made everyone worry but my auntie she knows I just like to handle things on my own which she tells me 24/7 how bad that is for mental.

"Don't be a ass to me." He shoved me back as Mari reached up and popped him on the back of his head.

"Hands off my cousin nigga." Mari said sitting back as I held my laughter in.

"He shoved me first what the hell type shit is this g." Satan rubbed the back of his head as we pulled into the grave yard which caused my stomach to do a flip.

"I-i- i don't think I can do this guys." I spoke up but nobody responded the van stopped and we all sat in silence.

Satan slid the door open and stepped motioning for me to do the same thing but I just stared trying to hold back the tears as they built up.

"You either get out or I drag you out 4 secs to make ya mind up." Before I could respond or move I felt him grab my hand and pull me out of the van.

"I was getting out." my voice cracked as I spoke.

After Mari got out of the van we headed over to her tombstone and the tears I had been holding back for a while as I sat down staring at her name.

'This is my only my second time out here I could never bring myself to come visit here pushing this to the back of my mind and focusing on other things always distracted me enough."

I snapped out my thoughts to the touch of Satan wiping my tears.

"Look at this gay shit here." Mari said causing me to smile.

"Please Nigga we as straight as they come." Satan sat next to me allowing me to lay my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah as straight as a curved dick." While Satan and Mari started to go back and fourth I tuned them out just relaxing.

'Happy that I could finally make it to see you mom just wish you were here with me so you could hold me and guide me threw some of this fucked up shit going on in my life.'

"I'm ready to go guys" I stood up and headed towards the van.

"I'm calling all the monsters" Satan sung as he followed behind me dancing.

"Dawg please shut up and can we get some food my stomach is BARKING!" Mari shoved his way passed us.

𝗗𝗲𝗹𝗿𝗼𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗲

"Jah you said you ain't won't no good and when I offered some of mines earlier you said no" i smacked the wing out of his hand onto the floor.

"But I'm hungry now!" He gave me a sad look rubbing the back of his hand

"I got some you can eat up." Licking my lips I leaned back.

He quickly snatched 2 wings and took off running and I got up quickly chasing after him laughing at him trying to eat the wing.

"Fat ass can't even eat it while running you not precious!" I yelled at him still laughing loudly.

After I finally got tired of chasing him we stopped and went for a walk to the nearest corner store there was by his house while Mari stayed there and slept.

"They make food and stuff here but don't order anything without asking me first some of that shit is nasty asl." Jah told me before we entered the store.

I grabbed all types of snakes and drinks bringing them to the counter as I turned around to grab something else I bumped into some nigga.

"Bitches can't watch the- oh excuse me sir." He smirked.

"Oh nah my bad I was trying to grab some and wasn't paying no attention but what's your name?" I asked.

"My name devon and yours is?" He tried handing me my phone but before I could grab it jah shoved his way threw us.

"His name satan and he took all adapted classes in high school save yourself the trouble." I turned around as he talked and paid for the stuff ignoring jah staring at me.

We left the corner store and the walk back to his place was quiet and I could feel the tension growing.

"So we still gon play the game?" I asked and received nothing but silence.

I walked infront of him and stopped causing him to stop as well.

"Delroy please don't make me go there with you honestly." He shoved pasted me.

"Oh so we using government names?  Jahmere collins" I stuck my foot out and made him trip which resulted in him falling on top of his slushy.

He got up and swung his left fist at me but I dodged it and busted out laughing causing him to swing against his time connecting.

"Aye chill the fuck out" I caught myself from hitting him back

"No you chill the fuck out you just made me fuck up my shirt." He turned around and took off running towards the house.

"Why are you running? Why are you running?" I chased after him.

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