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𝙅𝙖𝙝𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨

"No that don't even sound right you just fucking slow." I snatched my fruit snacks from satan.

"Well it's not my fault you don't know how to suck dick cause if you sucking mines you definitely gonna suck my balls." I made a confused face as satan spoke but then proceeded back to eating my snacks.

Mari came and mugged me as he tried snatching my fruit snacks I kicked his knee cap.

"Gay ass bitch!" He yelled.

"Yo homeboy like this gay ass bitch though" I smiled and skipped and down the hall before satan could say anything to me.

I grabbed my wash rag and towel sitting it on the counter in the bathroom as bills played by destiny child's.

You triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother
Silly me, why haven't I found another?
A baller, when times get hard
I need someone to help me out
Instead of a scrub like you, who don't know what a man's about

I got in the shower singing as the water ran down my body "Can you pay my bills? Can you pay my telephone bills?"

"You'll never be Beyoncé" Satan yelled from my bedroom.

"And you'll never know what's it's like walking across the stage of high school." I finished up showering and got out.

Satan busted in the door making me jump.

"Talking all the bullshit but jumping like a bitch." He pushed me over as he flexed in the mirror.

"I'm tryna get dressed move dirty." I slid my boxers on trying to keep the towel on also.

"You taking mad long and I wanna go get food before we hit the road." He smirked looking at me in the mirror.

I shoved past him and put on clothes and not long after we heard a loud banging at the door which caused me to jump a little.

"I wish y'all would cut it out dammit." I swung the door open freezing up as prince stands in my face with a angry look as Satan comes from the bathroom.

"So this what we doing? Moving and fucking anybody huh?" He lifted his hand up and smacked my door but before I could respond satan spoke up.

"I would hope that was by accident my Nigga cause if you could touched him you'd be meeting your ancestor." Satan pulled me behind him and pulled something out of his pocket.

"Bet I see how it is and jah I hope you end up like yo fucking moth-" prince was cut off by the smack of satan glock.

"Watch yo mouth bitch boy." I just stood there in shock at everything.

'Girl what the hell just happened snap back into reality jah'

I snapped out my thoughts and immediately tried to pull Satan off of prince he just kept hitting him over and over with that cold look in his eyes.

"MARI! HELP ME HE WONT STOP!" I screamed as loud as I could.

Mari ran into the hall and helped me as much as he could after about 5mins we finally got him off and prince just spit up blood as he leaned against the wall.

"We gonna go to jail if he dies satan." I started to panic thinking about what I would look like in a orange jumpsuit.

"Shut up jah damn nobody going to jail and nobody's dying he just beat up real bad." Mari and Satan made eye contact and immediately dragged prince out.

I got up and grabbed bleach and a wash rag I scrubbed the floor 3 times till they came back in laughing and dapping each other up.

"Jah what the hell you doing?" Satan spoke looking at me like I was crazy.

"Getting rid of evidence." I stood up and looked at both of them.

"He not dead and nobody gonna go to jail lord please calm down before you give yourself a heart attack." Mari said as he waved me off and went to the kitchen.

Satan took the bleach and rag from me before smirking.

"Well at least we know you'll be a big help if we kill someone." I rolled my eyes at him.

I went and grabbed our bags and packed the van up fast once I was done I told the boys and we locked up and left right away to get back in time for mari stuff.

Satan: I found this nice little outside restaurant we can go to tomorrow night if you down?

Me: I thought you wasn't gay sir? But sure.

Satan: I'm not gay this isn't a date just dress night bro.

Me: ok.🖕🏽

I leaned my head back turned the volume up seeing as this was gonna be a long drive back.

𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘨 : 𝘈𝘵 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘵

Let me know
When I feel what I feel, sometimes it's hard to tell you so
You may not be in the mood to learn
What you think you know
There are times, when I find, you wanna keep yourself from me
When I don't have the strength, I'm just a mirror of what I see

I took a deep breath closing my eyes going to a better place in my head at this current moment trying to keep the happy and good memories.

It feels like I've been BROKEN for eternity.


Hope y'all love it so far I know it's boring rn but we definitely getting to the good stuff.

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