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𝗗𝗲𝗹𝗿𝗼𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗲

"Jack he only 12 please!" My mothers screams rung throughout the entire house as my father kicked down every door looking for me.

He had been off his meds for months and drinking none stop I knew I'd have come out soon otherwise he'd beat my mom.

"Come out here you sissy boy show yourself faggot be a man!" I heard a smack and the house got quiet.

I came from under the bathroom sink and as I was creeping out of the bathroom I instantly felt a kick to my back launching me to floor face first as blood filled my mouth I looked up to my see my mom

"Mom, mom, mom" I repeated as the blood hit the floor.

"Stop calling for her faggot." My father sent another to me this time to my side causing me to lose all the air I had i gasped for air as the lights got really bright.

I felt him send more blows to me over and over till I wasn't able to keep my eyes open anymore I laid there numb to my body it was cold and dark and one bright light that was so far away from me.

When I came to my mother was sleep in the hospital chair and my father was nowhere to be found as I looked at my mom tears rolled down my face I was mad, I was sad but most of all I was confused and BROKEN.

"Mom" her head shot up at the sound of my voice.

"Hey baby I'm right here do you need anything?" I shook my head no as I gripped her hand tightly and we sat there looking in each other in the eyes no words were exchanged but then and there we knew what each other felt and knew what needed to happen.

The nurse came in hours later and changed my iv.

"Well young man it's good to see awake if you have any pain please let me know and if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING let me know" she smiled and walked out.

This short time here without my dad being here I felt free and like all the stress was gone.

Once I finally got out of the hospital we ran didn't take anything or leave anything behind for us to be found.

We spent the rest of our time here time till he finally found us and claimed he'd got better but I knew deep down that was a lie from the deepest part of hell.

I was diagnosed with severe depression, schizophrenia and Dissociative identity disorder.

I struggled with all this a lot and making friends was the hardest of it all but Mari was the bestfriend I could never get rid of once we met.

No matter if I spazzed or if I damn near off a bridge he was the brother I never had.

My mother and dad stayed split but the custody thing was a mess he won over her because he was more stable even though his past was fucked.

I ran away the first chance I could and turned to the streets sold drugs, robbed and a little bit of gang banging.

Up and till my 17 when my finally was able to settle me down I still sell drugs though shit I gotta make a way.


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