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tris starts breathing heavily.

"tris its ok-"

tris cuts me of and starts talking very fast i can hardly hear what she is saying


"tris calm down, and slow down nothing is going to happen i am going to find her and i am-"

she cut me of again

"no! she will kill you" she whispers with watery eyes. this isn't like Tris she can usually handle herself well and is strong right now she would normally be planing on how to kill the bitch

"all right Tris lets just go home and talk about this" i whispered. I was painfully aware of our friends watching

she nodded and stood up we walked home and when we sat down on the couch i asked "what's wrong with you, you not normally like that you can normally handle yourself well but that wasn't you"

"what are you trying to say tobias?" she asked sternly

"tris i am not trying to say anything, i'm just asking what's wrong"

"nothing is wrong with me! why do you assume that!?" she almost shouted

" Tris what's wrong with you, your acting like a lunatic". Then I refer it intently

"oh that's mature"

Oh yeah. hormones i just pissed of my pregnant wife. that's not good i did it few times with Nat. It ended up with me on the couch for a week.

"Tris" I say

"just go tobias i dont want to speak to you" and she stormed of into the bathroom

Tris is stubborn and wont come out till she wants to so my best bet is to just leave the apartment and come back in a couple hours. before i leave i put all the locks on the door.

I go to the chasm and am just about to sit when i hear someone say

"hey, buddy what's up" says zeek

"oh nothing much, you know, i just pissed of my pregnant wife"

"woah, congratulation. how far along is she"

"Not that long"

"Well congrats"

"yeah" i say duly

"and what do you expect to achieve sitting here"

"you know tris, she is stubborn as hell sometimes she won't talk to me at the moment"

"what exactly did you do that is so bad?"

"i don't know, i can't even remember"

"you got to choose your words carefully around pregnant women, but in the long run its worth it to just keep your mouth shut most of the time." he says it with sadness in his eyes. Him and Shauna lost there baby just after she was born. They have never been the same since, but that was a long time ago, back before we found Tris was having Nat. Still, they haven't had any kids since.

"yeah, i know and i would of, if she had told me"

we sat there in silence for ages because, by the time i got up to leave it was almost 11pm. I walked slowly to my apartment an opened the door, all the lights were off. Tris was asleep in our bedroom. Once i was changed i crawled in into bed and was about to close my eyes when tris said.

"I'm sorry Tobias"

"you have nothing to be sorry for, its me who needs to apologise"

"no, i'm sorry for getting angry"

"Tris honestly its fine"

after about to minutes of silence she whispers

"i'm a month and half along"

i just smile to myself and i wrap my arms around her and place my hand on her stomach.


We haven't seen that creep Rain in months. Tris is now 2 months pregnant, I'm hoping for another girl but i know Tris is hoping for a boy even thought she says she doesn't mind.

When i walk in to our apartment, Tris is looking at a photo album of Nat when she was a toddler. she looks up when i walk in and smiles then looks back at the pictures.
When i sit next to her there is a picture of a 2 year old Nat asleep in a diaper.

I remember that. It had been a long day at work and i was just about to open the door when i heard Tris talking

"Natalie, get into bed now"

"Nooooo" she said drawing out the 'o' "I gotta wait tiwl daddy home"

"daddy, will be home soon ok just get in your pj's for mommy first"

"but daddy pwomised he read me storwie"

"yes, and he still can, but after you get changed"

"i want daddy get me changed" there was a pause then a squeal and a giggle, i could tell the position of both of them already because i had walked in on it a few times before. Nat was behind the sofa in front of the door and tris was the other side trying to grab our over-hyper daughter to get her to bed, but Nat had just ran around the other side of the sofa. slowly i opened the door as quietly as possible whilst Tris had Nat occupied talking to her, the scene was amusing, Nat was just in a diaper and was stood with her hands on her hips(looking a ot like tris) whilst tris was looking infuriated and tired but perked up when she saw me come in.

"Well then im just gunna have to read all the stories by myself" Tris said in a 'well you are just gunna have to come and stop me' voice

Nat's eyes went wide"nooo, they mine" she was very protective of her books

then i bent down and picked her up

"come my little warrior, better stop mommy" she squealed and giggled

"get mommmy" she said in her cute 3 year old voice. i ran after Tris with Nat still in my hands. Tris screamed and ran.

we tackled Tris onto our bed and i put Nat on top of her and Nat attempted to tickle her. after a few minutes of playing tris picked her up and said
"right, now princess daddy is home will you get to bed"
she considered for a bit then slowly nodded her head i picked her up and walked into her room and placed her on her bed while i got her pj's out of her draw and when i turned round she was asleep.

"Tobias we get to do it all over again" she said smiling up at me
"I know"
"What if Rain comes back, i can't shake the feeling that she is up to something, i mean think about it we haven't seen her in months, people like that don't just come back from the dead to finish unfinished business then not finish it"
"I know, it does seem a bit odd but for now we need to keep our eyes open. Anyway we warned Nat, she can take care of herself and she is always with friends"
"Tobias, im worried about Nat she was first in ranking now she is 4th, I know she can do much better than this, i've seen her she could beat everybody in initiation in a fight but i mean she got beat by Mandy Jones and everybody can beat her, Nat could take her down in a second but she didn't"
"Yeah, i've been thinking the same thing, i was thinking of talking to her about it but i don't know how to get message to her without being suspicious"
"You could give a note to Jay and just-"
"Tris you no i don't like that boy"
"You liked him before he started going out with Nat"
"Exactly that was before, not now"
"fine. but you could still get him to give her a note to talk to me in the chasm tomorrow" she paused for a second then carried on
"pleasssssse, i need to know my baby girl is alright"
"fine" i say defeated


OK so, it's not much but it's the best i could do for now if you have any ideas please, please comment and tell me, i'm completely stuck but its summer holidays now so hopefully i should have more time to to write some more. hope you like it.

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