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Once I processed what tori just told me I run to my apartment and Tobias is sat on the couch he sees my look and gets up quickly

"Tris what's wrong are you ok"

"Tori just told me Jay's in the infirmary, he was attached my John but Nat helped him, you need to go see him, he's in the infirmary"

"What? ok I will be back later"

He rushes of. I can't really think about what to do then I realise I need to tell Christina as she is his mother I sprint to her apartment and knock frantically on the door and will opens the door shirtless with his hair all messed up

"Urrr you and Christina need to come to the infirmary" I say

"What? why?" says Christina sleepily

"Jay is there he was attacked by that bastard John" wills face instantly turns red with anger

"I'm gunna kill that son of a bitch" he starts to stride out of his apartment but I grab him.

"Will, what he needs right now is to be with you go to the infirmary" I turn to look for Christina but she has already run of I don't think I've known her to say that little but then again I would have done the same if it was Nat. I run off after will and when we get to the infirmary I see Christina talking to a doctor and will rushes to jay before going to hear what the doctor said I run over to Nat she is holding Jays hand I get her to tell me what happened and am about to report it when she says.
"No mom, you can't it will make it worse, please don't" . After a while I nod. I look at Jay. He looks terrible, He has bruises all over his face and a swollen eye. His torso is also covered in black, blue, green and purple. I wish I could kill that evil bit of Erudite trash. I look at Nat. She has a look of deep care and love that I can only describe as my mothers. She would of fit in abnegation perfectly, She hasn't even wiped away the blood on her hands or face she is only concentrating Jay. She is selfless just like my mother. I am so proud of her.  

Tris and Tobias' Child's lifeWhere stories live. Discover now