fear landscape

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My initiation is going great I am 3rd and jay is 5th but that's good. only today we were informed we would be going through our fear landscape tomorrow and I scared, someone will find out but I'm also scared that my dad will be seeing my landscape because I have a fear, well at least I think it is, and I don't think my dad will like it being an overprotective father and stuff.

"Nat nat hello anyone in there"

"What oh hey Jay what's up "

He gives me a funny look


"What are you thinking about"

"Huh, what nothing"

"Ok well, good night" and he gives me a quick kiss before slumping down in his bed and falling straight asleep but I just lie awake thinking and worrying. well at some point I must have got to sleep because the next thing I hear is my mums voice shouting at us to get up. I quickly get change and turn to see a topless jay and. Turn quickly again and blush then his strong arms wrap around me and I giggle.

"Are you nervous" he whispers in my ear

"Yes, but you would be if your dad was doing it" I whisper back

"I'm sure you will be fine, you are the most brilliant, beautiful, wonderful person I know" at this I turn and kiss him only to be greeted by gagging sounds behind me made by Angela and lily.

As we walk up to the room my dad is standing there and says " you will only face a few of your fears today" and explains what we have to do. Jay and I make small talk with each other until we get there and we are told what to do and we sit in silence until its just me and jay left on the waiting area And my dad comes out and asked me to come in as soon as I'm in there he his me tightly so I almost can't breath "Dad"

"I'm sorry Nat"

"It's ok but can we just do this I've waited to long"

"Right, yes ok so please sit" I walk over to and chair and lay back in it

"I am going to inject u with this and u will be in your fear landscape ok" I nod and he injects me.

And I am instantly in darkness and I start to panic as I hear sounds around me and I curl up in a ball. Then I remember its just a simulation when I opens my eyes there will be light, a soft yellow light and I do and a soft yellow light meets my eyes. As i stand up the room creaks then starts getting smaller and smaller which confuses me because I'm not claustrophobic or anything.

It gets smaller and smaller and i panic and push again the walls, it's frustrating that I have no control over this, i close my eyes and crouch down onto the floor until i can feel the walls pressing on me, then i remember my dad telling me that i need to steady my breathing to get out of a sim, so i think about the new little sister or brother i have and try to decide if i'm going to have a brother or sister. my eyes i open my eyes to a train and it starts moving and I run to try and catch up with it and I see my friends on there all laughing at me because I can't catch up with the train, no matter how much i tried i couldn't catch it, at one point my fingers grazed the handle but i couldn't grab on.

My dad told me you need to let your fear happen or over come it. So i decide what i need to do, I take one last leap and grab the train handle then it is replaced by the dorms but it's empty except me and jay and he walks up to me and kisses me, I feel warm inside and forget its a sim, I feel light, then he lowers me onto a free bed and kisses me harder and his hand goes under the hem of my shirt and I try and stop him but I can't so I shout

"Jay, stop, stop it" he doesn't listen just laughs and tries again so I bring my knee up to his stomach and then I'm sat in the fear landscape room with a stony faced dad looking at me.

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