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Nat pov

I see my mum and dad walk across the pit smiling.

"Hey Nat, what's that face for" someone says i can't tell who though

"Oh uh nothing" but she follows my gaze and it lands on my parents

"Hey I heard that something is going on between them" Says Ria casually, She is former erudite.

"Hey what do you think they were doing" Angela says, she is former amity.

"um walking duh" Liam says also amity

"oh who cares" says lily, she is from candor

"good point" I say and turn around

"What's this" Asks Greg standing next to me.

"We are talking about Six and four, We think there is something going on" says Ria.

"Well yeah" Says Tom "There married, they are kinda of a dauntless legend" 

Oh god. what if they realize I'm there kid. Fear starts racing through me. Jay squeezes my hand as if knowing what I am thinking.

"Really" She says

"Yeah, and they have a kid apparently"

I look at the floor. They can't find out.

"Who is it?" She asks

"I don't know but Jay's parents are pretty close with them from what I know." 

Everyone looks at Jay. 
"Um I have to go now" He drags me with him and then I Sprint ahead of him to get away from the gossips behind me.

"Hey, hey Nat wait up" its jays voice


"Um are you all right"

"No!" I snap at him he looks hurt then it fades and he pulls me into a hug . It's comforting so I wrap my arms around him and he relaxes, when he did it he seemed nervous.

"Thanks" I say into his shirt

"It's ok I would do anything"

What does that mean he would do anything. what or me? then I hear a voice it's my dads. uh oh. But it's a soft voice.

"Nat, come here we need to talk"

I pull away from jay and walk to my dad. I glance at jay and his face is bright red. My dad pulls me into a hug and then says

" I need to tell you something"

"Um ok" I say

"Nat just follow me its not safe here"

"ok" he takes me into a little cervix in the cold stone wall

"Dad, what is this about"

"well first of all your are going to be a big sister"

"what! that's amazing. wow" I kinda breath the last word

"your mum wanted to tell you with me but we didn't want to raise any suspicion"

"huh, what no its fine I'm happy for you guys"

"The second is that Fear simulations start soon and leaders are looking very closely at everybody, but at you in particular because your aptitude results where entered into the system manually, you have to remember everything we told you about not showing your divergence OK."

"OK" Is all Manage.   

" Now go before we raise suspicion and Nat, get some sleep its fights tomorrow."

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