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"Nat"  I say cautiously
"Of course you came first in initiation"
"Um yeah, well I have to go now, so bye"
"Well bye, I hope we can meet again"
"Um yeah" I close the door and start to tidy my apartment. I need my mom. I walk out and knock on my parents door. "Hey sweetheart, what's wrong" says my mom.
"Her broke up with me" I say and although I try and stop it, I cry and my mom holds me. We eat dauntless cake and talk all night, it involves a lot of crying about boys and the baby she lost but at the end of the night I think we both feel better, I go to bed In my old room. She kisses me on the head and tucks me in like when I was little.
Knock, knock, knock. What is that sound.
"Nat get up it's 10" My moms voice rings through my room. I shove my head under my pillow and she whips the blanket of me, I curl up in a ball and stay there. If I get I have to go out, and if I go I might see Jay. I do not intend for that to happen. It's not that I am scared it's that it would hurt to much. 
"At least come and have breakfast" She says softly.
"Fine I say and get up"
I walk into the kitchen and see my dad cooking eggs. I sit at the table and he slips a egg onto my plate. I eat a little bit then go and get changed. I just put my hair in a pony tail and put a big black jumper on.
"OK, I'm gunna go back to my apartment" I say
"Are you sure, you can stay as long as you want" Says my dad
"Nah, I should go, bye dad" I say and kiss him on the cheek. then I go to my mum and hug her tight.
"Bye mom, thanks for last night"
"You too, bye" she kisses my cheek and I leave. I keep my head down as I walk down the stone corridors so I don't have to look at anyone or see Jay, suddenly I bump into someone, I don't look up I just mutter sorry and try to walk on but the person grabs my arm.
"Nat hi again" It was that rain person
"Oh hi" I try to walk of but she doesn't let go "I have to go"
"Oh well I'm glad I ran into you, I wanted to ask you a question"
"Maybe later" I say and yank my arm away and walk of hurriedly

About 2 weeks later, I have nothing left in my fridge and I now I will have to leave my apartment, as much as I don't want to. Angela bangs on the door again for about the hundredth time, I haven't been answering the door, because I don't want to talk to anyone and sometimes it that creepy rain girl.

"If you don't come out I will knock this door down"
"UH go away, Angela I'm not in the mood"
"You haven't been in the mood for past 2 weeks, now open this damn door"
I fling open the door.
"Jeez Nat, go have a shower you look bad"
"Thanks" I reply sarcastically
"Come on you haven't left your place in ages, get cleaned up and come to lunch with me in the cafeteria"
"for god sake, You won't see Jay, he has locked himself in his room, I don't think he is coming out any time soon."
This catches my attention, why would he me upset, he broke up with me "What?"
"Yeah, he is beating himself up in there and from Liam said he looks worse than you"
"Oh" I can't think of anything else to say
"So go and get ready"
There is no point in fighting her anymore, it's a lost cause, if I stay she will stay and badger me and annoy me till I go mad.
Once I am changed we go. As soon as I sit down that girl from the other week comes up to me, I can't think of her name.
"Hey Nat" she's speaking like we are old friends when I have spoken to her like twice. "I'm rain remember"
"Oh yeah"
Angela speaks "Um, who are?"
"I'm rain" She said with a sweet smile "I've meet Nat before and want to talk to her-" She gets cut off  
"Get away from my daughter!" My moms voice sounds from behind me.
"Tris, how nice to see you again" she smiles
"Step away or I will make you"
"But I was just going to have a little talk with her"
Suddenly my mom punches her in the face and a full on fight breaks out until my dad come and pulls my mom of her but he sees who it is and anger floods into his eyes and he lets go of my mom, but rain has already gone.
"Mom, what the hell!"
"Nat come with us"
I get up and follow them to the cave under the chasm.

"Mom what,  who was that"
My dad starts to speak "When your mother and I first started training initiates together there was a girl from erudite who was called rain."
"That's the women's name"
"Yes, well she did something horrible to your mom and me and-"
"What did she do?"
They look at each other then my mom speaks
"We will tell you one day but not today"
I knew there was no point in arguing
"Well we thought she died. She jumped into the chasm, well that's what we thought, but she threatened us she would basically make our lives hell, but we thought she was dead, until a few months ago, when we saw her."
"You didn't think to tell me"
"I was but you were upset about the fear simulation and I couldn't tell you, we didn't see anything of her so we thought she had gone or something I don't know, I'm sorry, we thought we would be able to deal with It"
"I could of been or been in danger. For god sake, I came first in initiation I can look after myself, why can't you trust me" I storm of. Why can't people have faith in me. I am so angry. I'm angry at my parents for not trusting me, I'm angry at rain for what ever she did, Most of all I am angry at Jay, I am so angry I don't even realise I have just stormed into his apartment.
"WHY!" I shout him. He is sat on his bed with messy hair and in a dark grey top with black shorts. He looks up.
"Nat" He says in surprise
"Why? Jay I thought we were good." He jumps up and rushes to the door. He looks outside then closes the door and turns round.  For the first time I notice his tear stained face and tired look. We stare at each other for a long time.
"I...I... I had to" He whispers not breaking eye contact
Anger flares up in  me again "You didn't have to. Give me a straight answer. What  gives you the right to sit in here moping about when you caused me pain not the other way around, why do get to feel sorry for yourself!?"
"Nat, you don't get it-"
"No I get it very well you thought you coul-
"I was threatened!" He yells
"What?" I say softer
"A woman came and threatened to... to kill your parents if I didn't do it, She had pictures of them everywhere, everything they did, she said if I told anyone she would kill you. I couldn't bare it if you died, I couldn't let anything happen to you."
I stare at him. And stare. Then I jump onto him and kiss him. He picks me up. So my legs are around his waist. We stop kissing to my face is inches away from his. "I'm sorry" He whispers. "I love you"
I take a deep breath and say "I Love you too". We continue kissing. And I don't think I realized how much I actually missed him. I start to take of his shirt but he stops me. "Wait Nat, what about your fear"
"It wasn't in my simulation" I say and kiss him again. We kiss and kiss and you can guess what else. 

We awake next morning to the sound of loud banging on the, then my dads voice. My DADS voice. crap.
"Jay, I know your there....."  He carries on shouting
I look at Jay with wide eyes. My dad is shouting about knocking the door down. If came in now Jay would be dead.  I jump up and grab one of Jay's shirts throw it on and run into the bathroom.
I press my ear to the door.
"Um, hi Mr Eaton"
"Angela said Natalie Came here"
"Um w-well -"
"She saw her come here yesterday, Is she here?"
"Well I um-"
"your lucky I haven't punched you yet for breaking her heart, now tell me where my daughter is"
Enough is enough. I grab my jeans which are luckily in her and pull them on and walk out. 
"I'm here and please don't hit him"
"I thought you...." He looks at my cloths but before he can question it speak
"He was threatened by a women who I think is rain. She threatened to kill you and mom if he didn't break up with me. And if he told anyone she would kill me. She had pictures of you going back months. "
He took a deep breath. "We have to go and find your mother."
"OK, lets go"  
we run to my old home. We get to the door and it is open.
"Tris!" Shouts dad
She is stood my the couch.
"Run!" She yells but too late
"ah" I spin around and Rain is holding a knife to Jay's throat.
"Don't try anything" Her voice is dripping with poison
"Why are you doing this?" I ask frantically "I need to punish your parents and to do that I need to hurt you" She presses the blade harder against him.

"NO!" I scream. She takes the blade away from his neck and stabs him in the stomach.

A/N Please let me know if you have any ideas and if I use them I will give you shout out.
Thanks to all my readers. Please follow me.

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