Truth or dare

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It's been a few weeks since I got attacked and I am fine me and Nat haven't spoken about the kiss we had. Tonight we are going to play truth or dare.

"Ok guys I think we need to show our tranfer friends here how to play the real truth or dare" Nat says

"What" Angela, Liam and lily say all together, Ria looks confused grace looks interested and zac looks scared.

"Well" Nat says "every time you don't want to do a truth or dare you have to remove a article of clothing not shoes or socks" they nod in agreement our other friends who are dauntless born already know the rules so they are ok about it

"I wanna start" says Tom "ok lily truth or dare"

"Um, truth" says lily

"Ok, out of this group who do you fancy"

She goes red and and mumbles something

"What was that" I say

"Liam" she says louder and goes even redder , I see Liam has gone a bit pink as well. I see Nat smile. It is a beautiful smile. She Whispers something to Marcia and they laugh. I can't help but watch as her eyes light up each time she laughs Then she looks at me and I know I have been caught staring but she just grins at me. I can feel the butterfly's in my tummy. She has no idea what effect she has on me and she is halfway across a room.

Nat' P.O.V

"Liam" says lily

"Awwwww" says greg "lily and Liam sitting in a tree K.I.S-" but he gets cut of by Liam punching him in the arm. 

I lean over and whisper in Marcia's ear.  "you owe me your slice of dauntless cake" We look at each other and laugh. I look around and see Jay watching me. I grin at him then turn to Greg.

"Oww" he says Liam whispers something to him and Tom grins and tells lily to ask someone she looks at me

"Nat truth or dare"


"Ok i dare you to sit in jays lap the rest of the game"

"Um" I look at jay he just shrugs. I'm a bit disappointed i wanted something a bit harder.

"Ok" I walk over and sit on his lap I am a bit stiff at first because I remember when we kissed we haven't talked about that he laughs and says

"Geez Nat I won't bite you" I laugh and loosen up, then I see him lean over to bow and ask him something. Bow nods his eyes widen and a grin plants on his face and jay hits him

"Hmmm, Tom truth or dare"

"Dare!" Tom shouts

"You have to run to the pit and moon every one"

"It's on, Liam come with me and watch" they run of and when they come back Liam is in fits of laughter and tom's face is bright red

"Four.... was....there and" he can't continue because he is laughing so much"

"What happened?" Angela says

"Don't you dare, or i will tell them all what happened that night" says Tom and liam's eyes go wide. We never did find out what happened to Tom

"Bow truth or dare"

"Hmmm, dare"

"I dare you to find four an-" he gets cut of by Bows top being take of

"Hey, you didn't even hear the question"

"No but I heard the word 'four' and didn't feel like dying today" everyone laughs

"Ok jay I dare you to kiss Lily" says Bow. I hold my breath. He gently pushes me of his lap and feel a pain in my chest but then he takes of his top and let got f my breath

"Angela truth or dare" says jay

"Dare" says Angela

"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Bow" everyone knows Angela likes Bow, but Bow. Bow glares at him and Jay smiles back. Angela just grabs his hand and walks into the cupboard.

After a while jay whispers into my ear

"Um Nat I think we need to talk about something" I go a bit pink and turn to face him

"Um yeah ok"

"Well you kno-" but Angela and Bow stumble out of the cupboard and there hair is messed up a bit I laugh then jay tickles me and I squeal but luckily he stops

"Right then, Nat I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with jay"

With that jay stands me up and he stands and we walk into the cupboard

"Nat about what happened that night well I mean um-" I can tell he's nervous do I stop him And kiss him he puts his hands on my waist and I put my arms over his neck and he pulls me closer and I think how this could destroy our friendship If it goes wrong but what will happen if nothing goes wrong but my thoughts are interrupted by my dads voice outside we pull apart eyes wide

"Shit" I say

 we can hear him saying

"be up by 7 tomorrow"

and I can tell he is thinking the same if my dad comes in right know we are screwed so I jump into the coats that are hanging up and huddle under them and I feel jay chuck another one on me, but luckily he doesn't come in. Why would he.

"Ok are we gunna carry on the game or what"

So I sit back down on jay and his hands come around me and pull me closer I smile and lean back into him I'm in a bit of a day dream when jay says

"Nat it's your go"

"Oh um ok"

"Ok Nat truth or dare"

"Um truth" I say to Liam

"Who are you parents" I didn't expect this, It's not like I ever made a big deal out of it so why would he ask. I glare at him and pull of my top.

I feel insecure with my top being off because I know I am built like a child and that people can see but I am wearing a tank top so at least I have some protection. I think Jay can tell I am nervous because he wraps his arms around my bare stomach and lets me lean against even more. I turn and smile at him thankfully. He kisses my cheek and I turn around.

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