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tobias comes into our apartment with a annoyed look on his face, it likes the one he used to have when initiates flirted with him it made me laugh.

"what is it?" i ask

"they were playing truth or dare" he says tensly and im not seeing the problem so i ask

"sooo, the issue is"

"i don't want people seeing my baby undress or what if she gets dared to do something stupid or or..."

i laugh a bit and ask

"or what?"

he seems to struggle before he says "to kiss someone that could turn into to something and i swear i will-" i cut him of my laughing and he stares and me and i say

"awww look the big mighty four is scared of his daughter kissing someone. honestly Tobias she has turn you into a big softie"

he looks at me one eyebrow raised and walks toward me, now I'm confused I thought he would say something to back him up and then he kisses me and the kiss gets passionate and I try to deepen it but he pulls away

"I don't think being a softie would do this" and he picks me up and throughs me over his should i laugh and he chucks me onto the sofa and tickle me

"take it back" he says, i can hardly talk because I'm laughing so much but i finally manage to stutter fine and kiss him then i say

"what's wrong with Nat having her first kiss at 16 i did" and I kiss him again he try's to say something but I cut him of kissing him deeper.

"Tobias" i say pulling away from the kiss "we should get some sleep we need to train tomorrow"


in the morning i wake up to the sound of the alarm clock and roll over to see Tobias still hasn't woken up so I shake him and he just grunts after trying a lot of things that don't work i go and get a bucket or ice cold water and walk up to him i bend down and kiss him he kisses me back but still with his eyes closed and i say very sweetly

"Tobias come on we need to get going soon" and then i tip the water all over him he yells and bolts upright in bed i laugh and he just gives me a glare.

"works every time" i say grinning

i just walk out and grin at him.

"hey Tris" he says from behind me


"well yesterday I was talking to Zeke and he said he would swap training so you can train with me"

my eyes widen and i kiss him.

we get to the pit to find that no initiates so we start to set up

"OK today six will be taking Zeke's place"

four say's in a instructor voice

"we will be doing guns"

Tobias has told me a lot about how Nat's been doing and she's doing pretty well from what I hear although she did get knocked out but only on one of her fights but Tobias tells me she is dropping in the ranks she was first now she is fourth, he doesn't know why because he knows she can do it. I'm glad to see jay is doing well, Christina will be happy, we are meeting for coffee after training.

I walk along the line of dauntless helping with small things, they are far better that the transfer's no one got close to the target yesterday, but from what i have seen no one has hit the middle of the target yet either, that is until I get to my daughter who has only one on the ring outside the middle one and the rest right on bulls eye. As I walk by I whisper in her ear

"you have your dad's aim" at this she smiles and I keep walking, I can see other initiates watching her in surprise, probably because she is like me, she doesn't look like she could do much harm when really it's the other way round. When I reach jay he isn't shooting just looking at something with a dreamy expression when I turn to see what he is looking at I find out its more of a someone the a something and Nat has rosy cheeks, could they be, no I'm being silly I give a small cough and say

" you'll catch flies like that"

and he turns red as well and gets back to shooting.

Tris and Tobias' Child's lifeWhere stories live. Discover now