I Love You Mom

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          "Mom, I passed all of my classes with flying colors!" I was holding my final grades in my hand and I couldn't believe I did as well as I did. 

 "Oh honey, I knew that you could do it! I am so proud of you!" 

 "So will you be flying out to celebrate with us?" She hesitated a moment before answering.

 "Look, you know I am proud and will come out soon I promise but right now I haven't been feeling all that well. I even missed the last two days of work." 

 Now I was a little bit worried. "Mom, maybe you should go to the doctor or something." 

 "No, I will be ok just need to get some rest. I am very proud of you. I love you." 

 "I love you too mom, make sure you call me after you rest to check-in. If you feel any worse go to the doctor please." 

 "I will honey, talk to you soon."

After I hung up with my mom, I was a little worried even though she told me not to. I heard Sadie crying and went to get her. I reached into her crib. 

"Hey cutie pie, it's just you and auntie Saint. Mommy had finals and daddy is at work."

 I took her into the kitchen and put her into her highchair, I can't believe she was getting so big. I grabbed two jars and held them out.

 "What fruit shall we try today baby girl? We got apples or bananas." She made an adorable little babble noise.

 "Ok apples it is!" I sat down and started feeding her some applesauce and while I was feeding her, there was a knock on the door. 

"Come, in!"

Shane walked through the door. "Hey pretty ladies, looks like a yummy lunch!"

 "Hi Shane, how are you?" He grabbed the chair next to me.

 "I just thought that I would come in and see how you did on your finals."

 "Well thank you for wondering. I did really well, how about you?" He nodded his head.

 "I did well too, there was a couple I was worried about, but I managed to scrape by." Sadie finished her applesauce and I cleaned her off and gave her a bottle.

I turned to Shane when he asked me about Damon. "So how are things with Damon, I know they were a little rocky for a little bit." 

 I shrugged, "they are going I guess, he's been to visit me twice since the holidays. But other than that we have just been talking and texting. I miss him but there's not much I can do about it."

 He shook his head and I could see he was a little pissed about what I had to say.

 "I'm sorry Saint, you deserve a better relationship than that, I hope you know that." 

 "Thanks, it's nice to hear. So favor, feel like taking her out her highchair while I go get her bath ready?" 

 "Sure no problem, I would love to hold this little angel."

 She giggled and reached up toward Shane. He's been around a lot and she seems to love him.

After getting Sadie all cleaned up and down for her nap Shane decided that he was going to take off. "Ok, thank you for stopping by I appreciate it." 

 "No problem, see you tomorrow." I took a quick shower and was getting ready to call my mom when my phone started ringing. 


 "Yes, is this Saint Connor, daughter of Julie Connor?"

 I was getting a little nervous. "Y-yes, this is Saint Connor." 

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