A New Roommate

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               Well true to her word Katie has been trying to help me find a roommate.  There have been so many girls coming and going but Katie has said that none of them would work.  Josh finally had to chime in.  

"Katie, are you worried or something that Saint is going to find a new best friend?  Because I think that most of them could have worked out as roommates." Katie threw up her hands.

"No! Most of them were not a right fit for Saint.  I mean I know my best friend and she would have killed most of them because they were so annoying."  Josh looked over at me for some help, but I just threw up my hands. 

"Hey, don't look at me, you're the one that went and bought a new house.  So, you can't look at me to calm down her craziness, you're on your own mister!"  

"Thanks a lot, Saint." 

 "You're welcome!"

I heard a knock at the door, and I got up to answer it since Katie and Josh were arguing over who should be my roommate.  Shane was standing on the other side of the door and looked a little uncomfortable. 

 "Well, hey stranger, long time no see!"

"I am sorry I haven't been around.  I have just been thinking."  Just then we heard Katie yelling at Josh from the other room.  Shane looked at me.  

"Is everything ok in there?"  

"Yea, Katie is just freaking out about moving but doesn't want to admit it."

I started to walk away and heard Shane close the door as he followed me into the living room.  Josh looked up first.  

"How about Shane be Saint's roommate?"  Everyone got quiet, I turned to look at Shane who looked really confused.  Katie looked up and looked excited.  

"Josh that is a really good idea! I don't why I didn't think of it before!"  She walked over to Shane and stood right in front of him.  

"Shane, do you think that you could come to live here and be Saint's roommate?"

I could tell that Shane had no idea what to say.  "Shane, you don't have to answer that!" 

 But he shook his head. "No, I mean if that wouldn't be a problem I would like to move in here.  Not only does that help you out but it gets me away from my annoying roommates.  I also wouldn't mind getting to see you every day."  I felt my face go tomato red.

Katie just clapped her hands.  "It's settled then!  Shane welcome, I am so happy that Saint will be with somebody that I know won't turn out to be a serial killer or drug dealer!"  She then walked away with Josh to go finish packing when Shane walked up to me. 

"Are you ok with this?  I mean I know I haven't been around a lot and if you don't want me here, I will understand." I tried thinking of anything bad about this situation, but I got nothing.  I placed my hands on his shoulders.  

"No, I would be honored if you moved in here!  Unless you have a secret drug dealing life we don't know about?"  We both laughed and whatever tension there was between us seemed to disappear.

"Nope, no drug dealing life, and I am definitely not a serial killer." 

 "Good to know!"  Hopefully, things between me and Shane could go back to the way we were before Linda tried to go after him.  The next day Katie and I spent our time at their new house painting the walls.  She turned to look at me.  

"Hey, I know we kind of sprung it on you, but are you sure you're ok with Shane living with you?"

"Yes, I am ok with it.  I mean Shane is a great guy.  I think living with him will be fun.  I just feel bad because I think I hurt his feelings."  Just then Katie splashed me with a little bit of paint.  

"Of course, you hurt his feelings!  That boy is head over heels for you and you let Linda try and pick him up.  I mean you didn't even sit down with him and figure out what sleeping with him meant for you two.  You almost acted like it didn't happen."

I felt the tears start to come.  "You're right, I can't believe I acted so stupid.  I didn't want to hurt him, I really didn't."  Katie placed her paint roller down and walked over to me.

  "I know you didn't want to hurt him.  I think though, that you two do need to sit down and have the conversation you were too afraid to have with him in the first place."  I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. 

 "You know what I think that is exactly what I need to do. I am going to go over there right now and talk with him!  Thank you, Katie, I needed that."  

Katie grabbed my paint roller and shoved it into my chest.  

"Oh no you don't!  You are helping me finish this wall before you go!"  I grabbed the roller and rolled it right down the front of Katie. 

 "Now we are even for you getting paint all over me!"  We ended up having a paint fight, if that is the right words for it, right in the middle of Katie's soon-to-be living room.  Good thing that the floors and everything else were covered in plastic.  It's like Josh knew we wouldn't be able to behave ourselves.

I invited Shane out for some lunch and now it was time for "the talk".  I was sitting playing with my straw when he sat down across from me. 

 "Hey Saint, thanks for the lunch invite.  Are Katie or Josh coming?"  I looked up from my cup to answer him. 

 "No, it's just us.  I thought that you and I could talk?"  He cupped his hands together and laid them on the table.  

"Did you change your mind about us being roommates?"

That question and the sad look on his face took me by surprise.  "What no, of course not!  I meant the talk about what happened between us and how much of an asshole I acted like afterward."  Shane sighed, maybe with relief, I'm not sure. 

 "Oh that."

Now I saw the sadness in his eyes even though he tried to hide it.  "Shane I am sorry about how I handled that whole situation.  I never meant to hurt you.  I got really confused because I didn't want you to feel like a rebound and I was nervous about how I was supposed to act."  Shane reached over to grab my hand.

"I didn't feel like a rebound at all, I want you to know that.  I think I was most hurt about how you didn't seem to mind if Linda and I hooked up or not."  

He pulled his hand back then.  "I guess I just thought that after what happened with us that you wouldn't want your friend and I to hook up."

"That's just it, I didn't want you guys to hook up!" 

 "Then why didn't you say something then?"  I am starting to understand exactly how stupid I acted.  I should have acted more adult in this situation. 

 "I was being dumb.  I didn't know if we were a couple because we didn't talk about it.  I wasn't sure if I was allowed to let her know you were off-limits or not.  I should have just talked to you about it, but I chickened out."

Shane laughed a little bit and that seemed to ease some of my embarrassment. "I would have been honored if you acted like a jealous girlfriend.  You know that I am more than ready to be with you, but I don't want to rush into anything.  So how about we go back to being friends and see what happens from there?  Do you think that would be something you'd be willing to try?"

I had to laugh at that one.  "Are you kidding?  That is the best thing you could have asked of me!  You are one of my best friends in the entire world and if something else comes out of it then even better!"  We stood up and I rushed into his arms. 

"I missed you, Shane."  He kissed the top of my head.  

"I missed you too.  I guess I stayed away because I was hurt but now, I know we have to work on our communication more.  Save us a lot of hurt down the road."  

I looked up at him and realized that I was ready to move on with him.  I wanted to wait to act on it though.  Let us get back on track as friends, and now roommates before we take that next step.

"Well roomie, you ready to get all your stuff moved over to our place?"  He chuckled and I swear I felt any tension just roll right off of him.

  "More than ready." 

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