Giving In to my feelings

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           I wake up to Katie snoring on the floor. She always stays the night of Halloween because it's our favorite holiday and we always pig out on too much candy and stay up way too late. We are going down to Tyler's cabin this weekend for a party and I'm kind of excited. We get VIP treatment since Linda is dating Tyler, so we get some nice rooms. 

 "Hey Katie, wake up, it's time to start packing so we can get there early." Katie groaned from the floor but still wouldn't open her eyes, so I threw a pillow at her head. 

"Ok, you know what, that was rude!" 

 I just shrugged "It got you up though didn't it." Katie rolled her eyes but finally sat up. 

"I will be ready in 20 minutes, chill out will you!" An hour later after Katie was packed and ready, we were on our way.

When we got there Linda showed us to our rooms and we each showed off our costumes. Linda was super excited and her excitement was rubbing off pretty soon we were off, on our way to the bonfire to have some fun. We were having a good time dancing and I forgot all about the issues going on in my life, which may not seem like much but I'm a teenager so it's a major issue for me. I may not have a boyfriend anymore but I still have the greatest friends a girl could ask for.

Tyler came up with a bunch of drinks. "Here are the three most pretty ladies at this party!" 

 Linda turned to Tyler. "Thank you, baby, you are so sweet."

 Next thing you know they were making out like crazy, luckily, I saved our drinks but Katie wasn't having this. "Okay you two, go get a room!"

 Tyler looked over Linda's shoulder and winked, "Oh we plan to, see you later ladies."

After they walked away it was just me and Katie. At least one of us had a love life right now, I almost envied Linda for the moment. I wasn't going to let that tamper my good mood though, "Well come on Katie let's dance." 

 After a little bit, I noticed Katie kept looking behind me and seemed kind of shocked. "Hey what is wrong, you stopped dancing." 

She just shook her head, "Nothing, hey let's go back to my room I forgot my phone."

 "Well, you go get your phone, I will wait here." 

She grabbed my arm and looked pleadingly into my eyes. "No, I want you to come with me." Okay, curiosity won out, I wanted to know what she saw. I decided that I was going to look and see what was bothering her. When I turned around, I wasn't expecting what I saw.

Josh and Mylie, yes you heard that right, Josh and MYLIE, were making out right out in the middle of the field. "Um, excuse me Katie I will be back." 

Katie tried to pull me back. "Come on Saint, it's not worth it."

 I shrugged out her hold and started walking. I should have let it go but I was not going to sit by and let him do this to me.

 I walked over to them and Mylie saw me first, "Well freak, I didn't see you there." Josh was super pale and I didn't feel bad about that at all. 

 "Wow Josh, you sure do move fast don't you, I mean weren't you with someone else like yesterday?"

"Saint look, I'm sorry you had to see this but I told you I wanted to have fun."

 "Yea but with this skank, I mean what, do you like Damon's sloppy seconds?"

 Mylie had to chime in "Well you seem to like mine, how is Damon anyway, probably missing me." Josh got pissed at that but I don't think he knew how pissed I was.  I couldn't hold it in anymore and I hauled off and slapped him. I think it hurt my hand more than his face but I wasn't letting him know that. 

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