How Do I Feel?

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                 We were standing outside city hall taking pictures. Some of Katie and Josh, Katie, Josh, and Sadie, all the girls, both the guys and then one Shane and I. Linda wanted to take a picture with Shane but Katie said it was our turn, so we went in. 

 I can't believe it. It wasn't too long ago that I was with Josh, and I thought we were going to live happily ever after because that's what every teenage girl thinks right? Now here I was so happy watching my best friend and Josh, who had been a way better friend for me than a boyfriend, get married!

Of course, there were tears during the vows. And it wasn't too long before Josh and Katie were married. I was so happy, I ran up to them and hugged them both. 

 "Congrats you two, I am so happy for you!"

Josh spoke first. "Thank you, Saint, it means the world that you could be here for us!" 

 Then Katie said, "I love you, you are the best friend in the world any girl could hope for!" I pulled away and of course, there were tears on everyone's faces. Then Linda came up and took her turn hugging them.

 I walked over to Shane, "Hey, isn't this so great?" He just nodded his head. 

"Yea Saint, it's great." Then he walked away, I think he was really mad at me, and I don't think I could blame him.

We found a sitter for Sadie and went out to a little club as a mini reception. Every time that Linda touched Shane or danced with him, I took a drink. Katie finally said something to me. 

 "Hey, you know if you just said something Shane would be over here with you right?" I took another drink. 

 "Or, you could keep sitting here feeling sorry for yourself and get stupid drunk." I had to take another drink after that. I turned to look at Katie.

"You think I should speak up and say something?" She nodded her head. 

"I absolutely think you should say something. That man is head over heels for you and there isn't anything standing in the way of you two taking a shot." I pointed at where he was dancing with Linda.

 "What about Linda?"

Katie waved her hand. "Pfft, she is just using him to piss off Tyler. You know they will be back together as soon as she gets home. You are the one that should be with that boy." I stood up and almost fell back down, I may have drunk a little too much. But Katie smacked my butt. 

"Get going missy. Go be happy!"

I started to walk over to them but before I got the chance Linda came storming past us. 

 "Men are so freaking stupid!" Katie and I just looked at each other and I sat back down. Shane walked up to us.

 "Listen, I am going to get going. Katie, I am so happy for you and Josh. Saint, see you later." Then he was gone. I don't remember much after that because I continued to drink after Shane left, and I drank a lot!

The next afternoon I woke up and grabbed some aspirin and orange juice. Katie, Josh, and Sadie were eating at the table and looked up when I walked in. 

 "Well, well, somebody had a fun time last night." I sat down and placed my head in my hand.

 "I don't think I would call it fun exactly, at least it wasn't after Shane left."

"Linda left this morning. She kissed your head, but you were so passed out you didn't even move. She said she loves you and will talk to you soon." That made me feel horrible.

"I can't believe I didn't even get to hug her before she left! I am such a shit friend!" Just then Sadie started repeating the word shit over and over. Josh and I started laughing, Katie not so much. 

 "Sadie! We can't say that word it's bad and you're too cute to be saying it. Your Aunt Saint is a bad girl for saying it!" That only made me laugh more which quickly stopped when my head started throbbing. I swear I heard Katie as she was walking away. 

 "That's what you get!"

When Katie came back into the kitchen she sat down next to Josh and took his hand.

 "So, Saint we have something to tell you. And I know that it won't sound good, but it is a good thing, we think." She then took a deep breath and let it out.

"Josh has found us this amazing little house. It has a fenced-in yard where Sadie can play and it is near really good schools. It also has this cute little creek right behind it so Sadie can play in it and catch crayfish like we used to do.  He kind of bought it and surprised me with it which is why I didn't want to spend so much money on a wedding yet. I want to put the money into the house and then put some away." She and Josh just sat there looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

"Well, I guess congratulations is all I can say." Katie didn't look so convinced.

 "Saint, are you sure you're ok with this? I mean we aren't moving but 15 minutes up the road. You know that you'll be more than welcome over there all the time. We just think this is what we needed for us. I also want you to know that I will make sure you have a roommate if you want one. Somebody to help pay the rent and keep you company."

I stood up, I wasn't upset, a little sad maybe, but not upset. "I am happy for you guys. I am going to miss seeing you guys every day and little Sadie, but I will be ok." I then got up and walked to my room and went back to sleep.  

I tried calling Shane over the next few days but he either didn't pick up or said he was too busy to talk and had to hang up.  I missed him I did but all this time to myself kind of had me wondering what Damon was up to.  I don't know why but he just popped into my head.  I hoped that he was happy and keeping safe and also a little curious if he thought about me at all.


My father didn't have a funeral.  It's not like there would have been anyone there anyway.  I sat alone in my new office drinking some booze and found my mind drifting to a certain girl.  I missed Saint so much. I hoped that she was happy and doing everything she wanted with her life.

  I could see it as clearly as if she was in front of me, her dancing around the room in my shirt and nothing else.  I could also hear her beautiful laughter.  I can't believe I let her get away. Maybe someday I would see her again.  If I did, I wasn't letting get away from me so easily.  

Just then I heard the most annoying voice ever.

  "Oh baby, I am so sorry about your father."  Ava ran up and jumped into my lap.  "Are you ok, do you need me to make you feel better?"  Even though the deal was done I kept Ava around since her father knew some powerful people and could help set me up with them.  But once her father was dead, I was so done with this girl, she wasn't who I wanted to be with.  

She started kissing my neck.  "I know something that will make you feel better."  I held her in my arms and stood up.  I needed something to help me get my mind off of Saint.  

"Yea, I'm sure you do.  Let's go to your room then."  She looked into my eyes, and I felt absolutely nothing.  

"Why can't we go to your room?"

"Because nobody but myself is allowed in that room." Well only myself and Saint if she ever came back to me. 

 "So, you want to go to your room or not?"  

"Yes, let's go to my room."  After we were done Ava passed out, but I laid there my mind still wandering to Saint.  

Saint, wherever you are, I hope you know how much I still love you.  And I fell asleep picturing the love of my life and her beautiful smile.

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