The Break up

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           I tried calling and texting Josh every day for a week, I just couldn't believe that he'd be that angry over something so small. I mean I didn't go to Sharon's to see Damon I went to see her. I barely even spoke to Damon that night. After a while I got sick of it, I wasn't going to sit around and wait for him, he was going to explain things to me. I walked over to his house and knocked and his dad let me in.

After I said hi to his dad, I went upstairs I could faintly hear him on the phone with somebody. "Well, maybe we can go to the movies tonight? No, we didn't break up yet but we can go as friends." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I opened the door and couldn't help how pissed I was. " It's good to know your phone works!" He turned around and was surprised which was good because this was messed up. 

"Saint, you scared me what are you doing here?"

I started counting on my fingers while I walked over to him. "Well let's see, I've been trying to call you for over a week and you've been ignoring my calls, you avoid me in school and I don't understand why! Is this really because I forgave Damon because that seems a little shallow." I liked that he seemed uncomfortable right now.

"Saint listen I'm sorry I've been avoiding you, I just needed some time to think about things."

"What things did you need to think about Josh?" 

He started rubbing the back of his neck and I knew he was uncomfortable now. "I needed to think about us." I could kind of feel where this was going but I wanted to hear it from him.

"So, what have you decided about us then?"

"I think that maybe we should break up." I couldn't believe it, I mean I don't think I did anything wrong but here he was still wanting to break up with me. I was trying to fight back tears I would not give him the satisfaction to see me cry. 

"Okay wait, let's back up here, I thought we were good I mean I thought you loved me."

"I do love you, it's just that, I don't think I'm in love with you, it's senior year I think I need to see other people. I am sorry I am and I didn't want to tell you like this I wanted to do it nicer but maybe it's better you know now. I also feel that going to Damon's house was just icing on the cake. I've seen how close you two are becoming and it just isn't right. I mean he was a complete asshole to you. I was there while you cried and said how much you hated him, but it doesn't look like you hate him now."

I had to roll my eyes at that.  I mean there was no way in hell the few hours I spent near Damon were the reason he was throwing away 2 freaking years!

 "This isn't about Damon, I think that you are just using him as an excuse so you don't have to feel so bad about breaking my heart. Also, you've been thinking about breaking up for a while but you had no problem sleeping with me!  How messed up is that?"

"Saint I'm sorry, I was being dumb and selfish, please don't hate me I still want us to be friends." Now that made me pissed, I mean guys only use that line on girls when they want to spread their wings but keep you close in case the other girl thing doesn't work, no thank you.

"You know what, I have enough friends I don't need another one." I should have been glad that he seemed ready to cry but it did nothing for me.

"I'm so sorry Saint, I am." 

"Yea me too, sorry that I wasted so much time on somebody who didn't give a shit about me!" I left, and as soon as the front door closed, I couldn't stop the tears, yes, we were in high school but it still hurt.

It's been two days after my break up with Josh, I've been doing a lot of walking it seemed to help some. I was on one of my walks and was walking for, I don't know long, but somehow, I ended up in front of the movie theatre. And of course, of all the people, Mylie and Damon were outside, the universe hates me I swear it does.

"Ah, is the poor freak sad? Go away, you aren't going to bring me down tonight."

Damon turned around and saw me and he seemed concerned but it was probably pity, I didn't want pity right now. He turned towards Mylie. "Hey leave her alone she isn't doing anything to you!"

She took one step back and looked at him. "You're defending her, again, well you know what I've had it! You may be the hottest guy in town but hang with freaks and you will become one!" I know Damon used to pick on me but I don't think I've seen him mad until right then.

"You don't want to start with me right now Mylie you go against me and mess with my friends you will live to regret it. Just leave Saint the fuck alone!"

 I could see her eyes fill up with tears. "I love you Damon and when you come to your senses, please call me!"  Then she turned and walked away.

Damon turned towards me and it seems all the anger just disappeared. "Thanks, but you didn't need to do that I could have handled her."

Damon just shrugged like he always does. "It's no problem she can be a major bitch and needed that from somebody she likes." I had to laugh, he always gets me to laugh when I don't think I can.

Then he asked me, "So are you okay, you seem kind of sad?" 

I couldn't tell him about Josh and me, at least not right now. "Yea I'm fine just out for a walk." I could tell he didn't believe me but before he said anything my night just got even worse.

"Wow really, already with Damon, I should have guessed that." It was Josh but he wasn't alone he was on a date already. I should have kept my calm but I just couldn't.

"Seriously Josh, you have no right to act like that since it looks like you are with somebody already!"

Damon looked confused, "can I ask what is going in here?"

Josh was on a roll here. " What, you mean she didn't tell you, well we broke up, I'm sure since you guys are so close she would have told you that." I could see from Damon's eyes he was getting a little frustrated.

He waved a hand at the girl standing next to Josh. "No, she didn't but she is right. Why are you getting so mad when you're already on a date."

"It's none of your damn business, but don't worry we are leaving!" Josh walked away with his date who looked embarrassed, well good she should be. 

 Damon turned to look at me. "Are you okay?" 

"Yea I'm fine." Usually, I don't cry in front of people but this time I couldn't hold it in and just started bawling.

 "No, you're not okay, come here."

Damon wrapped his arms around me and just let me cry, I didn't feel any judgment coming from him, I just felt like I was allowed to cry so that is what I did. "He shouldn't have acted like that, you did nothing wrong." 

"Damon, do you think you could take me home?" 

"Yea I can do that."

Damon walked me up to the front door. "Damon, thank you for bringing me home, I appreciate it."

"It was no problem, I wanted to make sure you got home okay and I hope you won't let what that dick head did get to you, he's not worth it."

 "Well thanks for the concern, it's really sweet of you." His arms were crossed, and he shrugged his one shoulder. 

 "Yea well just don't tell anybody, I got a reputation to protect here."

I don't know when I got so brave, but I leaned in and kissed his cheek, I swear his cheeks got red. "Good night, Damon, and again thank you." 

He took a couple of steps backward, "You're welcome Saint sweet dreams." And he waited until I closed the door before he left.

When I got upstairs, I couldn't fall asleep. Maybe a shower would help me get sleepy. I grabbed my shirt and took it off and noticed it smelled like Damon, that small hint of cologne that makes guys smell so good, I didn't even notice I fell asleep smelling my shirt until I woke up the next morning still holding it.

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