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            When I woke up, I flashed back to the conversation I had with Damon. His dad wasn't in the mob but was into something almost as dangerous. That wasn't sitting well with me. He kissed the top of my head and I looked up at him. 

"Damon what happened to my father because nobody knows anything about where he is."

He just shrugged, "We took care of him." I didn't like his shrug this time.

 "And by 'took care of him' you mean?"

 "Saint do you really want to know?" I was getting a little mad at this point.

 "Yes, I really want to know, is he dead?" 

 He didn't even hesitate to answer, "Yes Saint he is." I got up and started getting dressed. I know I should be happy but that pissed me off. 

 "Are you serious, that wasn't your call to make!"

He seemed almost surprised that I was mad at him. "Wait, you can't be mad at me, that man almost killed your mother and hurt you, I wasn't going to let that stand!"

 "But that call was for me and my mom, not you or your people! I know I should be thanking you but it's not fair, I would have liked to determine what justice was done!"

He grabbed his shirt and put it on. "You know what, I'm not going to apologize for doing something to make sure the girl I love was safe. I did what I had to do and if that pisses you off well fine, I'm sorry but you will have to deal with that!"

 He walked to the door and turned around "I love you Saint when you're ready to talk, you can call me." Then he was gone I wanted to cry but I just didn't have the energy, I laid down and thought about everything.

It's been a few days since my fight with Damon. But I didn't have time to worry about that, today was finally graduation day! My mom was downstairs cooking up a storm which she tended to do when she was sad.

 "Mom, why are you sad?" She turned around and sure enough, she was crying.

 "I'm just thinking about how this is your last day of high school, my girl isn't a baby anymore."

I had some good news, at least to me. 

 "Mom I got a letter when you were in the hospital and I forgot to tell you. Maybe it might help cheer you up some?" 

 I handed her the letter and watched as she read it, "we are pleased to accept you this fall term with a full scholarship! Saint this is amazing I am so proud of you!"

 She hugged me and we both kind of danced around the kitchen. Then she stopped and started crying again. "Mom, what is wrong now?" 

 "Now I just realized that my baby is going to school across the country!"

 I had to hug her and console her for the next hour but she finally started calming down. "Okay, mom I am going to Katie's to get ready I'll see you later." 

 "Okay, I love you."

 "Love you too mom."

Before we walked across the stage Katie and I were talking she asked, "So is Damon going to be here today?" 

 I sadly replied, "No I don't think so, we fought so I don't think he will be here today." 

 "Sorry I'm sure you guys will make up" was all she could say to that.

 Then she got excited, "oh did you hear that Mylie got arrested?"

That was surprising, "no I didn't, what happened?" 

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