1st Birthday and Another Wedding

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              It was Sadie's first birthday! I couldn't believe that I watched this little girl come into the world and now she is turning one. We had a small little birthday with just Josh, Katie, Sadie, and myself on her actual birthday on the 28th. Today is January 4th and all of their friends and family would be there for this party. I can tell that Katie is more excited than Sadie, she doesn't even seem to care that she is having a birthday party.

I had just got done placing the cake on the table when Shane came up and put his arms around me. "Hey there beautiful, I missed you!" I turned around and gave him a huge hug.

 "I missed you too, I hope you had a good holiday with your family." He ended up staying an extra day but I am just glad that he could make it to the party.

 "It was great, I kept thinking about you wishing you were there." I stepped back and gave him a quick kiss.

 "Well, maybe next year." He got a huge smile on his face before placing his hand on the side of my cheek. 

 "I love that you are thinking about next year."

The party was really fun, especially with Linda who was flirting with Shane all night. Shane looked so uncomfortable but was too nice to tell her to back off. I have to admit I was a little jealous, but I still don't understand what Shane and I are yet. I know that he told me he was falling for me, but does that mean we are in a relationship? I think we may have to talk about it. Just then Linda came up to me.

"So, Saint, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I made a play for Shane?" I didn't know what I was supposed to say. 

 "I mean if that's something you wanted to try, who am I to stop you?" I didn't like saying that, but I was unsure about what to do. Linda got excited then. 

 "Thank you, Saint, I mean I know there was something between you too, but I didn't think it would hurt if I went after him. I mean you guys aren't a couple, right? I don't want to step on anybody's toes." 

 I just shook my head, "no we aren't a couple."

Before I even finished what I was going to say Linda got really excited. 

 "Ok, thank you, I'm going to try and get him back to my hotel!" A few minutes later Shane came up to me. 

 "Hey, I'm going to run Linda to her hotel since she asked me for a ride." I just nodded my head.

 "Thank you I'm sure she will appreciate it." Shane looked a little sad and then walked off. I felt sick to my stomach. Katie came up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder as I watched Shane and Linda leave together.

"Saint, are you ok?" I turned to look at her and felt my eyes get a little watery. "I know that we aren't technically together, but it still hurts to see him leave with her."

 "Saint, you should have said something, but I don't think that he will do anything. I've seen the way that boy looks at you. He does love you."

"You think so, Katie?" She nodded her head. 

 "I do think so. Now come on instead of being sad while you wait for him to come back to you, let's go pig out on some more cake!" I nodded my head. 

 "That sounds like a really good idea!" We ate so much cake I passed right out.

The next morning there was a text on my phone from Shane.

"Hey listen, I was hoping that we could get together and talk if you're able?"

I quickly replied and we agreed to meet at a cute little coffee shop down the street. When I arrived, I saw Shane had already ordered for me. When I walked up to him, he handed me my cup, and as soon as I smelled it my mouth watered. "Thank you, Shane, I needed this!" 

 "You're welcome, so listen I wanted to talk to you about something. If you don't want to talk about it just tell me and I will shut up about it."

I have to admit I was a little bit nervous. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

 "I know it's early, but I wanted to know what we are."

I knew what he meant but I still wanted to hear him say it. "What do you mean?" He took a deep breath and then continued. 

 "Well, I mean we slept together, and it was amazing. But then Linda was all over me last night and then asked me to her hotel room. I know you can assume what she wanted to do, but you didn't seem to care."

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "It's not that I didn't care, I just didn't know if it was my place or not to ask her to leave you alone. I mean we aren't technically together so I wasn't sure if I should say something or what to say. I'm sorry if that made you confused."

He took a sip of his coffee before answering me. "I guess you are right, I mean we aren't technically together. I just wanted to let you know that I did not sleep with her. I dropped her off and then went home to sleep."

I shrugged my shoulders, although hearing that did make me feel a little better. "Thank you for telling me. But if Linda is something that you would want then I can't stop you." I know that I sounded mean, but Linda is way prettier than I am so maybe he should be with someone like her instead of me.

He looked at me for a little bit, I thought that I had seen something flash in his eyes, but I couldn't tell if it was sadness or anger. In an instant, he was normal again. Before we got to continue our conversation, my phone went off. It was Katie wondering where I was. She also had some really exciting news!

"Oh my gosh, we have to go!" I jumped up and grabbed Shane's hand. "Come on!"

When we arrived at the apartment everyone was in a frenzy. Shane was so confused.

 "What is happening?" Katie walked up to him to explain. 

 "I have been going over everything money-wise for our wedding and it just doesn't make sense. I mean I want a wedding don't get me wrong. But why spend all that money right now? We have decided to save our money and are doing a small little town hall ceremony. We can always have the big wedding later when we are more secure."

Shane just nodded his head. "That is very logical thinking." Josh then walked up to Shane. 

 "So do you think that you could be my best man?" 

 "Of course, I would!" Then they did that weird hug that guys do with one pat on the back.

"Saint, of course, you'll be my maid of honor and Linda will be my bridesmaid." Linda walked over to Shane and grabbed his hand.

 "So, Shane, think you could be my date for this little shindig?" I saw Shane look over at me from the corner of my eye and he took a deep breath when I didn't say anything. 

 "Sure Linda, I will be your date." She jumped up and kissed his cheek then Katie was yelling at us to get in her room and make a decision, we had dresses to choose from.

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