black room ˎˊ˗ ஓீ͜❨💊❜

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" i don't want you here. "

your voice was slightly up its normal volume; though your direct tone told it all about wanting your words to slap against the figure's skull — you knew it wouldn't work. like his body — his mind was several feet away from actually caring about your wants and presence itself.

your words had echoed within the large room covered in completely blackness that didn't bother making the figure's and your colors dark. silence taking place wasn't the most rarest thing—though maybe your voice shifting into lower tones that expressed the way your mind continued to never collect the pieces on what, where and why;

it expressed the internal lost of guidance in this strange 'room' or even 'world' that you teleported on the darkest days containing your tears dripping against your pillow's case, or in the emptiest days where your heart only felt an anvil of numbness or misery. maybe it picked up on wonder and curiosity about this room and figure that levitated once your presence was in reality.

" why are you here? "

the figure's body began to feel lively as you felt curiosity run through him. his eyelids lifted a little bit more; and right boot tapped rapidly against the ground.

" i don't know. "

the sounds of his boot tapping stopped after his sincere tone was heard several times; with those times of course becoming fainter and fainter within several seconds. you didn't bother to show the way a part of your brain that noted about his superior, bratty aura lit up once his presence hinted to honesty and thoughtfulness from those simple words of his.

" i don't even know why i've asked you just now. "

he blinked—his expression neutral as he observed your mini tone letting out a whisper for yourself whilst your head lowered. suddenly, he started taking a few steps towards your body. your lips parted slightly in sync with your head lifting upwards to see a small smirk on his lips and his eyes heeding the sudden shock paralyzing you from the spook his random footsteps had given you.

he sudden stopped.

he was still far . . . far away from you— which was good enough. you're now starting to find his smirk . . . endearing. you knew his reaction to your observant eyes on his lips was gonna make your skin burn.

[discontinued] 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒,  g.g ( hunter ) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now