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⚠️warning-mentions suicide.⚠️

Seven days. It had been seven freaking days since I found out my boyfriend, Archie Andrews was forced to kill himself to protect me. Nothing can explain how these seven days feel but if I had to I would say empty. I don't really know how to explain it but I just feel empty like there is nothing in me anymore it's just, empty. I have cried non stop since I found out. 

I wake up and look over at the photo of me and Archie when we first met. I cry, again as I pick up and give the photo a kiss. I lay it back down and cry some more thinking of the memories, of the last thing he said to me, of the last hug he gave me, the last time I got to hear his voice. My thoughts are interrupted by Betty knocking on the door as she walks in with bloodshot red eyes from crying too and places a note next to me. "He left one note. It's for you Ronnie." she says weakly then walks out. I open it up. 


"I love you baby, I always will. Just be happy baby that's all I need you to do. Life is important I'm glad I got to share mine with you. But there was no way I would let them kill you so I let them do it to me instead. I love you Ronnie. There is no one else I would of done that for besides you. Be happy my baby and I'll be watching you and making sure you will have an amazing life just know that okay. When your time comes I will be there waiting to bring you up here peacefully. I love you. Yours sincerely, Archie❤️." 

I looked at the paper and see dried up tear stains on it. He was crying while writing it. I burst out crying I can't do it. I can't. Why did he die he was to good. It should of been me. I should of died not him. That's when I made a life changing move. I take a deep breath and grab a razor. I slit my wrists. But that's when I see him. My baby, my Archie. Standing at the end of the tunnel smiling at me. waiting for me like he said he would. 

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