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Veronica and Archie were in the La Bonne Nuit. Veronica was standing behind the bar with anger written all over her face, but if you looked a little closer you could see the pain in her eyes. Archie sat on a stool his hands entwined and sitting on his lap. He didn't know why Veronica sounded so angry when she had asked him to come over and he didn't understand why she was glaring at him.

"Ronnie what did you need?" He asked.

"Don't call me that." She snapped slamming her hands down on the counter in front of her. She took a deep breath and composed herself. "You don't get to call me anything other than Veronica. Not after you kissed Betty."

He opened his mouth to speak, but he was stunned. How had she found out? He was in trouble now, she forgave him the first time but there was no way out of it this time. The last time they weren't together so while the kiss hurt she couldn't really be mad, but this time around they were still together.

"Who told you?" He timidly asked. It was the only thing he could come up with at the moment and he regretted it as soon as he saw her face. She looked hurt and she was, beyond hurt even. She told him she knew about him kissing another girl and he only cared about who told her. He was probably worrying about Betty, the girl he really wanted. Well at least that's what Veronica thought, but in all actuality the girl he truly wanted was Veronica.

"I saw it on a tape that was sent to me." She coldly said.

"Veronica look I can explain." He blurted out. He knew he couldn't but he had to say something he couldn't just keep sitting with a stupid look on his face.

"Oh, I can't wait to hear this." Veronica replied crossing her arms.

"It was the day when we got into the fight over your dad." He started and Veronica rolled her eyes. "We were practicing a song for the variety show, and then I just kissed her." He finished looking down at his hands. He knew it wasn't a good enough answer but nothing ever would be, so he just decided to tell her the truth. He looked back up and he could see Veronica holding back tears and he hated that he caused them.

"So we get into an argument and you go kiss other girls?" She shouted. "It's this what we're doing now Archie!" She couldn't believe him. "When people get into arguments they're supposed to talk about them, not go and kiss other people."

"It wasn't like that." He calmly replied.

"Then please Archie tell me what was is it like?" She said, her voice full of pain. "Cause it seems like every time we argue you go and kiss Betty."

"I've only kissed her twice." He defended. He knew it was a weak argument, but what could he say.

"One time is one to many Archie." She hissed. How could he think what he did was okay. She had done everything she could to help. She broke him out of prison and defied her father, her own flesh and blood for him. She loved him so much and thought he felt the same. and Betty, that girl was her best friend she loved her with all her heart. She drank poison for her and she goes and kisses her boyfriend. This was a new level of betrayal she was feeling.

"You're right Veronica." He sighed. He knew he was wrong and he wanted to make it up to her he just didn't know how. He loved her and he wanted to be with her but he wasn't sure she wanted to be with him and how could he really blame her. He hurt her badly and he definitely didn't deserve her.

"So what are we gonna do then?" He nervously asked her knowing they would probably end up breaking up. If that was the case then he would go peacefully, it was the least he could do for her.

"I can't be with you." She said a tear falling from her eyes but she quickly wipes it away. She took in a shaky breath and finishes. "I can't be with you if every time we argue I fear that you're gonna go and kiss some girl. I won't do it I deserve better."

He grabbed her hands that are laying on the counter, she wanted to pull away but she doesn't. "I understand, but just know that I love you, Veronica Lodge." He softly said. He couldn't believe that he ruined one of the best things in his life. He loved that girl so much and yet he shattered her heart. He hopes that one day she'll be able to forgive him.

"I love you too Archie but as I said before I deserve better." When she heard him say that he loved her she wanted to push all the betrayal and anger she felt aside but she had to stand her ground. He couldn't think that this was okay.

He brings her hands up to his lips and kisses them softly. His lips lay there for a moment before she pulled away.

"I think you should go." She sniffled

"Yeah, that's probably best." He grabbed his jacket that was laying on the stool beside him. He made his way to the door and she watched him leave wanting so bad to ask him to stay.

"Bye Ronnie." He sadly mumbled not even sure if she head him, but she did. And it took everything in her to not run and kiss him.

He walked up the steps and she waits until she can hear the door slam shut before dropping her tough act and bursting into tears. She was crying so hard she couldn't breathe but she couldn't stop. It hurt so bad to watch the man she loved walk away. Not even being able to kiss one last time.

She lifted her hands and threw a bottle of whiskey across the room, shattering it everywhere. She started throwing cups and glasses shattering them everywhere, making a mess. But she could care less about it.

When there was nothing left to throw she sunk down to the floor, her back against the counter and her face in her hands. Her body shaking with every sob.

She had lost the boy she loved and her best friend in a day. Her father was probably going to die. Her world was crumbling and there was nothing she could do about it. She was nearly completely helpless.

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