Feelings for him

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Veronica's POV
"So when are you going to get together?" My best friend Betty's sharp voice interrupted my daydreaming, while we were sitting at Pop's. She had finished her milkshake quite some time ago, and had been staring at me, who hadn't taken more than a few small sips because of the fact that I was completely zoned out.

"Sorry?" I said, hearing her voice but not registering what she had said.

"When are you going to finally admit your feelings for Archie?" She repeated slowly and clearly, almost loud enough for the entire diner to hear us.

"Betty!" I exclaimed, quickly looking around to see if anybody was actually paying attention.

I guess it would help to quickly explain my situation. I had moved to Riverdale in seventh grade, and quickly met Betty in this very diner, which had became ours, along with our two best friends, Archie and Jughead, spots. Betty introduced me to her next door neighbor, Archie Andrews, who then introduced us both to his good friend Jughead Jones. Jughead and Betty ended up bonding quickly, and by ninth grade had became a powerful couple, leaving me and Archie third wheeling in an awkward position, as best friends but nothing more than that. At least that was what was in his mind. I had feelings for him ever since midway through eighth grade, and we were now about to start sophomore year.

"Well I mean it! It's been how long? Almost two years, and you haven't made any move. It's the most pathetic thing I've seen yet, I'm sorry to say." Betty continued.

"I don't want to make a move on him because it will mess with our friendship. We have such a good friendship going and I'd rather be stuck with my feelings and still get to be close with him, then admit them and have things be awkward." I explained, feeling a pain in my chest, knowing that there was nothing that I wanted more than to admit my feelings to him and have them not ruin our friendship. We had been friends for so long, and he viewed me as a younger sister. There is no way that he would see me as anything more than a best friend.

"V, it's not a good friendship if your heart hurts every time you even are in his presence. You need to do something, because if you don't, he will soon find somebody, and you'll be really hurt." Betty said sympathetically.

I used my straw to stir my milkshake in its tall glass as I thoughtfully stared at the table. I wondered what would happen if I talked to him about it, and it turned out he actually liked me back.

"I don't know..." I sighed. "I want to, but I don't even know what I'd tell him. How would I even start that type of conversation?"

"Just go with it." Betty said, as my phone started buzzing with texts. I took it out of my purse and as it turned out, it was the man of the hour, Archie Andrews, sending me memes. "Besides." She continued. "There is no way he does not share the same feelings. He texts you all the time and is always doing crazy things just because he wants your attention." With that thought on my mind, we both left Pop's diner in our respective directions, her towards her house and me towards the Pembroke, the place where I lived but not somewhere that felt like home.

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