Happy Birthday

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It is Archie's nineteenth birthday so Veronica has planned a small get-together with Jughead, Betty, Kevin, Reggie, and Monroe.

"Guys Kevin just texted, he says he and Archie are five minutes away." Veronica shouts over the noise. "So hurry up and finish whatever you're doing."

"We're all done V...except for Jughead struggling to tie that balloon." Betty laughs.

"Don't laugh Betty, this is actually pretty hard." Jughead says shooting Betty a glare. His hand slips and all the air from the balloon comes out. "Dang it."

"Jughead calm down and let Betty blow up and tie that ballon up." Veronica smirks.

"Hey, they're here!" Monroe whisper shouts from by the window.

"Places everybody." Veronica says getting into her hiding spot.


Archie puts his key into the door. Talking with Kevin. "I had fun tonight Archie." Kevin smiles.

"Yeah me too, we should hang out more, maybe invite Jughead." Archie replies opening the door and turning on the lights.

"That would be-"

He's cut off by the group inside the house. "Surprise!" Everyone shouts upon seeing the light flood the room.

Archie stumbles back from the surprise clutching his chest but after a moment he smiles.

"Wow guys, I don't know what to say." He grins, He's had 18 years worth of birthday parties but never a surprise party. He always wanted one but he's never told anyone that.

"How about a thank you, Archie." Veronica laughs strolling up to him.

He pulls her closer to him gripping her waist. "Thank you, Veronica." He gushes and leans down to kiss her.

Veronica beams at him repositioning herself to the side of him, his arm draped over her shoulder. "You're welcome Archie, but I can't take credit for everything, everyone here helped."

He looks up at the group with a big dopey grin on his face. "Thank you all very much for helping plan this surprise party." He says. "I've always wanted to have one so I really appreciate this." He shyly finishes.

"Aww, you've gone soft." Reggie mocks causing Archie to send him a playful glare.

"You're one to talk Reg, you haven't said anything mean in what? Two days? That's a new record."

"Well while you guys are chatting. I'm gonna go get my surprise for you." Veronica says slipping out of Archie's hold walking into the kitchen.

She comes out holding a terribly made cake singing happy birthday. She tried to make a nice strawberry cake but she is not that great of a cook. But she's got a better idea planned.

They finish singing happy birthday. "Make a wish." Betty says.

"I don't know what to wish for I already have everything I could ever ask for."

"That's incredibly cheesy of you to say." Jughead snorts.

"Well, it's true." He thinks for a moment before blowing out the candles.

"What did you wish for?" Monroe asks.

"If I tell you it won't come true." Archie replies.

"You know that's not actually true." Kevin retorts.

"Hey in Riverdale anything is possible." Jughead says.

"He's right you know." Betty shrugs.

"I guess." Kevin says.

"Well, I've got another surprise." Veronica smirks still holding the cake up in front of him.

Monroe had snuck behind him a moment ago. And was waiting for Veronica's signal.

"Do it." Veronica mouths to Monroe and he smashes Archie's face into the cake causing it to plummet to the ground.

Archie looks up and his face is covered in strawberry cake. "Hey." He chuckles to the laughing group, wiping the cake from his eyes.

"Gotcha!" Veronica giggles swiping frosting from his face.

"Veronica you wasted cake to shove it in someone's face, I'm hurt honestly." Jughead dramatically states.

"Oh calm down hungry it probably wasn't even edible." She replies licking the frosting off her finger. "Today I discovered that I am not the best at baking."

"Besides Jughead your girlfriend is bringing out the one that looks edible." Reggie points out.

"Oh thank god, I thought I was gonna be deprived of cake." He breaths out a sigh of relief.

"Well, it really isn't a party without cake so I asked Miss Smith to whip something up." Veronica answers rolling her eyes at the dramatic Jughead.

"Can I get a towel or something?" Archie asks, face still covered in cake.

"Oh right." Monroe says turning around and grabbing a towel from the coffee table. "Here."


"Well let's eat some cake!" Jughead and Kevin shout.

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