Aftermath of the escape

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*Right after 3x05 when Archie is being watched over by Betty*


Veronica runs out of the hotel lobby with a sweatshirt and a black eye, courtesy of her father. Hiram was not thrilled her taking park in Archie's escape let alone Archie escaping at all.

Veronica's POV
I ran. I couldn't see, blood was dripping from my eyes. I didn't care. I'm so done with my family and the only family I want is Archie. He's my rock and I don't regret anything that I did to get him home.

I approach Dilton's bunker and it' silent. Hopefully Betty and Jug didn't leave him there....they wouldn't. I crawled down and I see Archie sleeping soundly on the bed where I left him. I smiled to myself; he's home. I looked over and I see Betty passed out on the couch, but no Jughead. Huh?

"Hey B." I gently shake Betty. Her eyes open and she looks confused. She whisper-yells. "Oh V, hi! Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. Jug was...."

"No, Betty it's totally fine. Go home and get some rest. I'm going to stay here with Archie all night."

"Okay." Betty stands up and rubs her eyes. She glances at me again and does a double take. "Veronica, holy crap. Your eye!"

Dang it. I forgot about that thing. "B, it's fine. my dad just wasn't too happy with what all went down tonight."

"That's not okay at all. Stay down here and away from your dad. It will be safer for you and for Archie." Betty responds sadly and hands me an ice pack. "Hold this to your eye for tonight. It will reduce the swelling." I shed a soft smile. "Thanks Betts. Now, go home."

Betty smiles and climbs up the ladder. I walk over to Archie's bed. He's completely passed out and sprawled across the bed leaving little room for me to sit, but I don't care at all. I gently push him over a few inches and crawl into the small bed with with. I lift up his arm and lie in the crook of his arm. He doesn't flinch at all. I kiss his chest and trace shapes over his chest.

I close my eyes and rest the ice pack over my eye. I then grab his hand and hold it to my chest. As I drift off to sleep I feel him gently my hand in his. And then it all went dark.



Archie's POV
I wake up to the sound of quiet snoring. I turn my head gently and see Ronnie curled up against my chest, with a cold bag of water on her left eye. I giver her a gentle kiss on the forehead, careful not to wake her up, as I'm sure she had a heck of a night facing her father. And when I lift the bag off her eye, I see that I was correct. How the heck could someone do that to their own daughter? It's terrible and completely insane. Her closed eye was still a bit puffy, but had dried blood surrounding the lid. I want to clean it up but I know that I should want and let her sleep. That's what she needs right now. Watching her sleep is such a blessing. I've missed her so dang much and she is what kept me alive in that prison.

I was stroking her back when all of a sudden she twitched and she woke herself up. I tried to get her to fall back asleep, but it was no use.

"Oh my God, Archie, did I wake you up? I'm so sorry. It's way to early. Here I'll rub your back and try to get you to sleep. I'm so..." She started sleepily rambling.

I cut her off, "hey woah shhhh. No I was already awake. Calm down, I'm fine. I've been sleeping for longer than 10 hours." I replied.
"Oh okay, are you sure you're feeling okay?" She asked.

"Yes I'm fine. I'm much better not that you're here. And Ronnie, please let me clean up your eye. Don't pretend like it's fine. It's not." I sternly said.

"Archie I can handle this on my own. He's my dad." She replied as she got up and out of the bed.

"Ronnie you have to figure something out because I can't let you get hurt again. Let me clean that off for you." I stand up and follow her. She doesn't reply and just sits on the couch. I hear her start to cry. I walk over and sit myself down next to her. She puts her head in my lap and just cries.

"Arch, I-I don't know what to do. My dad h-he just does everything in his power to make my life horrible, and same for you. It has been unbearable without you these past weeks and I can't imagine what you've been through. It kills me to see you like this. Then my mom, I just want to keep her safe, but I can't and I still want to see her but...." She starts to say shaking.

I wrap her in a tight hug and hold her head. "Ronnie. It will all be okay. You can stay down here with me. And I can have my dad make sure that your mom is okay. It will be just for a little while. We can figure out something long term later. Let's just take it slow, and don't worry about me at all. I'm okay now that I'm with you. I'll get better and we just need some rest."

She nods her head and I continue to rub her back. I can still hear her hearting beating out of her chest as I try to calm her down. Minutes pass and she still has her arms wrapped around my waist. I hear her breathing start to slow and I can tell that she is asleep. I gently take her and carry her bridal style to the bed that we were sleeping in. I lay her down on the sheets. I grab a warm, damp, pater towel and dab it on her eye, gently. I try and remove as much blood as I can without disturbing her. I brush back her hair and I give her a small kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight Ronnie."

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