The Elevator

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"Ms. Lodge, you do realize that your shift ended an hour ago?" Betty said popping her head in Veronica's office. "Crap!" Veronica mumbled.

"I'm sorry I still need to straighten up some things here you can head out, I'll lock up." She nods. "Yeah okay Archie is still here too so just go see him if he's still here by the time you leave."

Veronica gave Betty a soft smile as she left.

After ten minutes Veronica was still there cleaning her desk and organizing her things. She picked up her phone and put it in her bag along with her laptop, files, and paperwork she needed to sign.

She turned off the light in her office and shut the door. Veronica was about to walk to Archie's office but, one she didn't know where it was, and two Archie was walking towards where she was headed. The elevator.

They shared awkward glances as Archie pressed the button for the elevator. Once they got in Veronica pressed the button to go down. As they were going down the elevator shook and made a loud noise. Veronica screamed, she didn't know what was happening and no one besides Archie was there he was in there with her.

"What the heck was that?!" Archie hit his hand on the railing. "Seems like the elevator is stuck."

"You've got to be kidding me! I have a daughter that I need to get home to." Veronica turned on her phone and tried reaching it towards the ceiling. "No signal."

"What did you expect we're in an elevator."

"I don't need the sarcasm Andrews." Veronica snapped as a smirk formed on Archie's face. "Just trying to lighten the mood. So what you don't get home on time? I'm sure your daughters father can watch her for a bit."

"That would be true if Camille's dad was around but he's not." Archie's face softened. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

"He's not dead he just doesn't want to be in her life so I guess in a way he is dead, to me and my daughter anyway." Veronica slid her back down against the wall, Archie quickly copies her motions and sits close to her. "I'm sorry, how old is your daughter?"

"Camille is fifteen, she knows I'm always home by seven but I'm already late and if I don't show up tonight she's gonna worry, and I don't want her to because I'm-" Archie cuts Veronica off. "Stuck in an elevator." Veronica nudges his side. "I was going to say that but fine that works too."

"Yeah you do have some pretty great company and we'll probably be out in a few hours, and Veronica if you wanna talk about anything we have nothing better to do so I'm all ears."

"Thanks Archie."

"If you wouldn't mind me asking why doesn't Camille's dad want to be in her life?" Veronica bites the inside of her lip. "You don't have to answer I'm just trying to make conversation."

"No, no it's fine. Chad doesn't want to be in her life cause me and him weren't serious. We were both lonely. Then boom I had Camille." A tear rolled down Veronica's cheek but Archie was quick to wipe it away. "That's awful I'm sorry. It's still his child he should want to be there for her no matter what the circumstances were."

"I agree but not everyone thinks like us."

"If only...and Ronnie he sucks so don't even worry about him. Take him out of your mind, because he sure as hell doesn't deserve to be in there." Veronica smiled, the first genuine smile she had in a long time. Most of the time she would fake it so people would think she was happy. But just a little time talking to Archie he managed to get her to do it. "I like the nickname."

"Good it would've been really weird if you didn't." Veronica scooted closer to Archie. "Now enough about me, tell me about you."

"Well I graduated from Yale, I was top of my classes. Then I came to Riverdale to pursue my career in business. I have a dog, his name is Vagas and he's a golden retriever." Veronica scoffed. "What a picture perfect life you have, and that's not what I was talking about. Don't tell me things to impress me."

"Who said I was trying to impress you?" Veronica smiled again. The second time in a row, were pigs going to fly? Maybe. "Pretty sure you were."

"Yeah...yeah...I just don't really know what to say when people tell me to talk about myself, you know?" Veronica nods. "Okay then tell me do you have a girlfriend?"

Archie shakes his head, "No I don't, sadly."

"You know that's a shocker, who wouldn't want to be with a successful, handsome, and funny guy like you?" Archie chuckles. "You tell me."

"A crazy person."

"You are right you know. So how does a date sound? Maybe Saturday night?"

"I'm not gonna lie that was very smooth." Archie smirked. "Is that a yes?"

"Yeah, it's a yes."

*Time skip to the next morning.*

The elevator door opens there lays Veronica asleep with her head on Archie's broad shoulder. Betty clears her throat and Veronica and Archie eyes both fly open. They quickly stand up as Veronica pulls Betty into a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! We were stuck in there all night." Veronica pulls away from the hug and steps out of the elevator with Archie behind her. His hair all a mess and eyes shutting. He was beyond tired and sore after sleeping in there.

"Oh goodness that sounds awful." Veronica nods but then stops. "Not that awful...I had some great company." Archie smiles and hums a yes in response.

"Right well you guys get home and take the day off, I'll call some people over to check out the elevator and make sure that doesn't happen again."

The two both walk out of the building. Veronica takes Archie's phone and puts her number in. "I'll see you tomorrow." Archie nods and smiles.

"And thanks for taking my mind off of everything. I couldn't imagine being stuck in there with anyone else."

"Anytime Ronnie...Anytime."

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