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1. "That's starting to get annoying." 
2. "I need a place to stay." 
3. "You can't banish me! This is my bed too!" 

She stands outside the door of his apartment, scratching her arm through the material of her wool sweater. Her lip is bleeding, she's bitten it so hard, and as hard as she tries she can't stop the track of tears continuously rolling down his face. 

From the other side of the door, she can hear Archie and Reggie arguing over who's gonna get the door, and a moment later Archie appears in front of her. He's shirtless and in his favorite gray sweatpants, hair messy and tired eyes, but all of that goes out the window when he sees his Ronnie. 

"Oh babe." Archie sighs, pulling her into his chest until he feels her sobs even out into breathing. Pulling her gently into the apartment, he shuts and locks the door behind them while motioning to Reggie that they were gonna head to his room. 

His room mate gets the message, turning the TV volume down and shutting up, as Archie leads her down the short hallway into one of the two rooms that's his. 

If he would've known his girlfriend was coming over, he would've cleaned up a bit, but the mess will have to do- she's clinging tightly to his frame, so he decides to sit on the edge of the bed as she curls into his lap. 

"Ronnie-" He tries, rubbing her back in a comforting way." 

"Do you wanna talk about it?" 

Before he hears her voice, he hears a sniffle. 

"I need a place to stay." 

"You can stay here, babe." He says without a second thought. 

"For as long as you want." 

He still can't help but to be curious about why though. 

"Thanks." She manages to mumble, and she looks up for him to see her sad brown eyes. 

"Betty and I got into a fight, and I'd honestly rather be here with you." 

"That's what I'm here for." He tries to smile, but she doesn't reciprocate it, just snuggles further into it. Of course he hates the fact that she's hurting, and he doesn't even have to know what they fought about. He's already on Veronica's side, always-but he does enjoy that she comes to him for comfort and a safe place to stay. 

"Honestly, I'm not sure I can stand being there anymore. Jughead is always around, and they keep making comments- the only reason we can even live there is because of my dad, and it feels like it's not even my place." Veronica groans, and he finally lays down under his plaid sheets. 

"I'm sorry, I wish I could do something...Jughead is just Jughead." Archie says apologetically. 

"Can I do anything for you?" 

"I just wanna go to sleep." She mumbles into his neck, and he gets it, because he would be exhausted too. 

"Do you want me to go so you can be alone for a minute?" He suggests, only wanting her to be as comfortable as possible. 

"Stay, please." Veronica says, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 

"This bed is more comfortable when you're in it, babe." 

Smiling to himself, he rolls over to be the big spoon, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around her. She finally stops crying, and it's quiet enough that he falls asleep first. But he's snoring, and so she can't fall asleep. Nudging him with her elbow doesn't work, tapping him to wake him up doesn't work. 

"Archie." She groans, pulling his heavy arm off of her waist and turning around doesn't wake him up. 

"That's starting to get annoying." Veronica adds, pressing a kiss to his bicep, then his jaw, and then his lips, until his eyelids flutter open and he's looking at her in the dim light. 

"What's wrong baby?" Archie questions, worried that she might be upset again. 

She's blinking really fast and is looking up at him through her lashes, the most innocent smile on her face. 

"Archiekins." She smiles. 

"You have two choices- stop snoring, or sleep on your couch." 

His mouth hands open. 

"I can't help it if I snore, Veronica." 

"Well, it looks like the couch would be a good place for you, because it's too loud for me to sleep." She whines, because she knows that'll make him listen. 

"You can't banish me! This is my bed too!" Archie argues, but he knows she's winning. 

"Fine, I'll breathe through my nose...there's no way I'm passing up on snuggles with my girl." 

"I always knew I loved you." She smiled lazily before kissing his lips. 

Varchie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now