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Archie's POV

Veronica and Archie are the hottest couple at the Riverdale High School, not gonna lie. But sometimes that's not really good for their relationship cause a lot of guys are flirting with Veronica and she doesn't notice it. 

On Friday morning they walked through the school halls hand-in-hand, some weird guy looked at Veronica and said "hey wanna give me your number?" 

Archie said "hey, can't you see she has a boyfriend, right?" 

Archie's mind: "of course I know that she only loves me but sometimes I feel like she enjoys that other guys are flirting with her which made me very angry. So I said "I need to go." In a angry voice. 

Veronica's POV

Archie went outside and I ran after him but I didn't catch him, so I had to wait for school to be over to look for him. I had a big test so I had to stay and study. 

After school I went to Archie's house to check on him. So I knocked at his door and Mary opened it. She said "hey Veronica." "Hello Mrs. Andrews is Archie home?" I asked. "Yes he is in his room." she said. "Thank you." I said and went to his room. He sat on his bed and looked at his phone, so I sat next to him. 

He didn't say anything so I said "Archie are you okay?" Still no answer so I continued and said "Archie I  know you think I enjoy other people flirting with me, but that's not true I'm just talking with them which isn't right. I know I would be mad too, if girls are flirting with you all the time but the point is that I love you and only you. I will never love someone so much like I do you." 

He finally said something to me. "Oh Ronnie I know but it's just annoying I don't wanna be that boyfriend who's jealous all the time but I can't help myself sometimes." He said. "Archie it's okay you don't need to apologize. I love you and you know that." 

He said "yes, I love you too Ronnie." 

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