Baby Fever

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"I swear Betty, he is possibly the cutest baby I've ever seen." Veronica says.

"I can't disagree with you on that." Betty laughs as she picks up the crawling baby. She walks to the kitchen and Veronica follows. Veronica sits at the kitchen table and Betty places Nathan on Veronica's lap.

"You're getting so big." Veronica says in a baby voice.

"He is. Can you believe he's six months? It feels like yesterday I was pushing him out." Betty grins. Betty walks over to the kitchen cabinet and gets out the baby puffs and walks back over to the kitchen table and hands the container to Veronica.

"Thanks." Veronica says without taking her eyes off of the baby she was bouncing on her knee.

"So." Betty starts as she slides into a chair next to them. "You and Archie thinking about having kids?" Betty asks and Veronica finally looks up at her giving the baby a puff and popping one in her mouth.

"I mean we've talked about it." Veronica says and it's true but she doesn't think Archie understands that she actually wants to try for a kid. It would be nice to have a little Archie running around the house and she's always wanted her and Betty's kids to be close in age so they would grow up together. But she also doesn't think that Archie would be so fond of having a baby right now.

"So you guys aren't trying?"

"No, we aren't." Veronica says shifting uncomfortably in her seat, she wasn't enjoying being in the hot seat at all. Nathan starts to whine and she takes the opportunity to redirect her attention to him. She hands him two more puffs and repositions him on her lap so his legs are swinging from the side.

"I think you guys would be good parents." Betty states. "And your rum business is doing well, so is Andrew's construction, and the center is doing great."

"That's true, but I just don't know."

"Just think about it, it'd be nice for Nathan to have a little friend." Betty says tickling Nathan making him laugh and squirm on Veronica's lap, and Veronica's heart swells at his reaction. "Anyways what are you wearing to Cheryl and Toni's wedding?" Betty asks changing the subject to something lighter.

But Veronica is still thinking about the possibility of having children with Archie. Their relationship was the strongest it's ever been and their businesses are doing more than great. They have a nice house with a big backyard, perfect for kids to run around and play. Maybe this is something she should bring up to Archie. They've talked about it but never a real conversation, never going into depth.

She thinks she's ready for kids. Well as ready as one can be, because well, you're never really fully prepared for that kind of commitment.


Archie gets off of work in five minutes so he should be home in ten and she's pacing in the middle of their living room. She was a complete nervous wreck.

This conversation can either go two ways. The first one being her way, the one where he actually has baby fever too and wants kids as well. Or the second one, the one where he thinks she's crazy and doesn't want kids. The possibility of the second choice happening was haunting her mind and filling her with anxiety.

The talk with Betty had made her realize she wants kids more than she had thought she did and Archie not wanting them was scary. Ever since she was a little girl she had dreamed of meeting her prince, and having a fairytale wedding, and having a big family. She had gotten the first part of her dream and it is up to Archie if she would have that second part.

She startles when the front door opens, she turns to see her husband walking through the door.

"Oh good your home." She exclaims and walks over to her husband and gives him a peck on the lips.

Varchie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now