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Rumors suck. They do. Especially when it's either about you or somebody else's actions that can leave you feeling completely empty, destroyed.

Veronica Lodge wasn't on to listen to rumors about her and the people she loved. She wouldn't deny if something was false, she's make it known truthfully. But right now, she felt broken, angry and a whole lot of emotions right now that she couldn't express how she felt verbally but they were there, displaced on her face.

She had been staring at her phone, the same photo many have sent her now. Tears brimmed her eyes but she refused to let herself cry until she knew the whole story.

She was gonna ask him.

She deserved to know.

The sun reflected on her tan skin as she waited, sitting on the edge of his bed.

'Maybe I should go home.'

What if he's with her?'

Those two things didn't seem to leave her mind making her bite her nails nervously. Veronica didn't want to believe what she saw through a screen but if it was true, no photo shop or anything, she had to accept it.

She was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't realize he was finally here. She didn't know if she could do this now.

"Hey Ronnie, what's up?" Archie started, taking off his jacket and placing it on his desk.

"Is it true?" She took in the way his facial expressions changed. His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion but nonetheless sat next to her but she immediately scooted away.

"Just tell me Archie, did you kiss Betty?" he held up her phone so he could see.

And there it was.

Betty and Archie kissing.

His face immediately fell and he shut his eyes. He took a deep breath before reopening his eyes to see a tear had made it's way down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly before placing her hands on her lap.

"...Yes." She stood up almost aggressively and paced back and forth, trying to comprehend the three letter word he had just said.

She felt this rage inside of her. The thought of her own boyfriend and best friend kissing wanted to make her puke. The photo of Betty and Archie kissing kept coming back into her head and she felt beyond betrayed.

"It's not what you think, I-" She cut him off by slapping him across the face, putting all her anger into that one slap. He brought his hand up to his cheek and looked at her surprised.

"You two deserve each other." Veronica spat out before storming out of his room and drove home.

The next few days were dull and depressing.

48 hours had past ever since and the curtains in her room remained closed all day and her phone had been buzzing constantly. Knowing who all those calls and texts were from, it wasn't long until she put her phone on silent and reburied her face in her pillow.

Maybe he deserved to explain himself but she couldn't care less at that point. He'd proven to her that he was just like the rest.

She didn't know whether this was the right thing to do but after building up the courage, she checked her phone.

87 missed calls and 49 messages.

All by one person. Archie.

She debated whether she wanted to reply back or not. Maybe not wanted but she needed to hear him out even if he didn't deserve it at this point.

Asking him to meet at their usual spot, she crept out of bed and looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. God, she looked rough. She hadn't gotten any sleep because most of her time was spend crying.


The warm evening breeze at the top of the hill made her hair sway back and forth as she sat on the grass. Veronica looked over at the town from the top. What would her life be like if she didn't move to Riverdale? Sometimes she wishes she was still running the streets of New York City.

Hearing the gravel behind her move under his foot steps, she felt anxious again. She wasn't ready for this all of a sudden.

He sat beside her, neither of them saying anything just yet.

"She came onto me." Archie started. He looked at her and stared deeply into her eyes.

"I know that's no excuse for what happened but we were just talking and then Betty confessed she still had feelings for me and then she kissed me out of no where. I pulled her sway as soon as it happened. I have too much respect for you to go and cheat on you, especially with your best friend."

"Right." She looked away, knowing if she looked at him again she'd start crying.

"I don't like her. At all. And I didn't kiss her back Ronnie, believe me and I'm just so sorry. I'll try and make it up to you every day of my life if you'll let me. I love you."

"It's two go way back and maybe me and you just don't work. It was always you and her. We had our time together and now it's just over." She looked back at him as a tear fell from her eyes. She studied his face and he also looked like he lacked of sleep.

"No, please don't say that." His voice breaking at the end making her heart hurt more than it already did.

"It's hard not to, everybody can see it."

"But I love you! Not her!" He basically shouted with tears streaming down his face rapidly.

"I remember that day so clearly, the day my life changed for better. You walked into pops at approximately 8:40 at night, wearing a navy blue dress and a hood on your head. The world seemed to freeze when I looked into your gorgeous brown eyes. I knew you were the one for me since then. Not Betty, you. And in time, if you forgive me, I'll always be here." He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead before standing up and walking away, not looking back.

"Archie!" Stopping in his tracks, he turned around to see her walking towards him.

As soon as she reached him, she pulled him down to her height and kissed him passionately taking him by surprise.

"I forgive you but only because you were honest with me." Hearing those words, he immediately smiled at her.

"I love you so dang much." He reconnected their lips and nothing could compare to how happy they both were in that moment.

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