Running From Pain

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Veronica's POV

Life was bad right now. My family was always fighting. They've never really cared about me. I mean, Archie was always there for me. He's really all I've got. But I can't stand living like this. I'm tired of coming home everyday to screaming and swearing. I've decided that I'd run away.

Archie's POV

Veronica has seemed different lately. Almost upset. I decided to send her a text. Hey Ronnie, everything okay? You've seemed different lately. I sent the text and waited to hear back.

1 Hour Later

She still hadn't responded to my text. This wasn't like her. I decided to go to her house and check on her.

Veronica's POV

All I brought was my phone. I didn't want it to be to obvious that I was gone. I went though a secret doorway in the back of my house and left. I just started walking, I didn't know where I was going but I left.

Archie's POV

I knocked on the door to the Pembroke and Mrs. Lodge opened it. "Hi Mrs. Lodge, is Veronica here? She hasn't been responding to my text." I say. "Veronica!" She calls, after no response she runs to her room. I follow her and she opens the door to her room to find it empty. "She's not here." She says. "Where could she be?" She says putting a hand to her head. I panicked and started to call her. It rang multiple times but no answer. "She's not answering her phone. She's seemed upset lately, maybe that's why we can't find her." I say. "We have to find her, what if she...hurts herself!" Mrs. Lodge says. My heart sinks and I run out of the room to try and find her.

Veronica's POV

I walked down the road and saw a hilly spot that overlooked Riverdale. I figured that would be a good place to stay. I lay on the grass and turn on my phone to see me and Archie as my lock screen. I sigh. "Oh Archiekins, I'm sorry." I say quietly.

Archie's POV

We walked down the streets for hours but no sign of her. "Wait! I can track her on my phone!" Hermione says. "That's great let's do it!" I say. She pulls her phone out and begins to track where her phone was. "It says she's at Green Bay Hill." She says starting to run in that direction even though it was like an hour run. But that didn't matter, I ran too. Faster than I ever had. I prayed every second that she was okay.

Veronica's POV

I had sprained my ankle walking up here, and it is turning purple and bruised. But I was away from the pain at home at least. Except I did miss Archie. I leaned against a tree, watching the city lights turn on. My thoughts were interrupted by footsteps. "Ronnie?!" I hear a voice call. I turned around and see Archie. "Archie?!" I say in shock. He runs to me and hugs me tighter ever. "Oh my gosh." Hermione says gasping for air as she makes it up the hill. "Veronica where did you go?" She asks. "I was sick of the life you and dad were putting me in. All the fighting, I couldn't take it anymore." "I promise, we'll work something out, just come home." She says. "What happened to your ankle?" Archie asks concerned. I sprained in walking up here." I say. Archie helps me back home and life went back to normal, with the love of my life.

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