I fell for you

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Those were only some of the words Veronica would get called at school. She was a nerd according to everyone. Liked books, liked math.

Kevin came along, her one and truly gay best friend.

A secret Veronica had was that she liked the school's jock and musician, Archie Andrews. He was popular and every girl would drool over him. She knew she had no chance with him.


It was Thursday morning and Veronica was at her locker when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see. No she couldn't believe it. Archie?!


"Um so Ronnie, I uh I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me? On Friday?" He took out a rose from behind his back and gave it to her.

As much as Veronica wanted to believe him, she knew she was being played.

"I umm." She stuttered.

"Pleaseee?" He made the cutest puppy dog eyes, enough for her to say yes


"Great! I'll pick you up at 7!" He kissed her cheek and walked away.

Veronica was mentally jumping up and down in excitement but she didn't believe him. She thought it was some thing all the football players do. Mess with girls and leave them. Kevin even told her that they keep a notebook to keep track.

~At 7pm~

Archie drove his dad's truck all the way to the Pembroke to go pick her up, when really she wasn't gonna go. She isn't expecting him to turn up.

Archie knocked on the door to find a crying Veronica Lodge. She was wearing a hoodie with shorts and her eyes red from crying.

"Hey, hey are you okay? What's wrong?" He embraced her in a tight hug and her tears fell even more rapidly.

"Shhh it's okay." He lead her to the couch, still hugging her. As she sat down she pulled away and wiped her tears.

"Archie. I w-wasn't planning on going b-b-because I th-thought you weren't gonna show up-p-p." He held both of her hands in his.

"I would've been a complete idiot to not show up for a date with you. But why did you think that?" He asked softly.

"Kevin once told me all the football players have this book for records and they write down whoever they played. I thought I was your target."

"No Ronnie. Never. I'm not apart of that. I would never ever do that to anyone. Especially you...Because I like you....." His head dropped down.

She slowly lifted his head up and saw his eyes watering up.

"I like you too. A lot." She caressed his check as he leaned in. She closed the gap between their lips.

After a long time of kissing they pulled away and Veronica tried to get up but Archie kept her there.

"Every time I see you in the hallways, my heart starts beating faster and now I'm here with you...finally holding you in my arms, I am the most happiest I've ever felt." The red headed boy just spilt his heart out to the girl he dreams about.

Archie left her speechless and she rested her head on his shoulder. After a while of just sitting there, he heard soft snores coming from Veronica. He carefully stood up and walked over to Veronica's room.

That night he held her close, finally being able to.

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