Season One: Chapter 24

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"I... I love you, Mikasa." I closed the gap between us, my lips meeting hers.

Everything around me froze. I was only focused on one thing and one person. Mikasa. The feeling of her small, yet soft and plum lips against mine. Her warm breath made its way to my nose, the taste of sweet honey mixed with a tiny hint of chocolate coming along with it. A few loose strands of her hair touched my eye, giving me a small itch, but I didn't care about it. This feeling... It's all I wanted to focus on.

Pulling away, her medium grey eyes looking at me lovingly, her lips quivering a bit and her hands trembling, unsure of what to say.

I picked at the flowers on the floor, the bluebell's scent circling around us as I held it in my hand with a tight grip, "You're the one I care about the most. No one's more important to me than you are." The corners of my lips curved into a small smile, a huge weight lifted off my shoulder from finally saying the words I've wanted to all this time. I held my arm out towards her, loosening my grip around the flower.

Mikasa hesitantly took it out of my hands and looked at it, a soft pink blush visible on her cheeks, "Y/n..." Her voice got quieter as she gave me a dejected look, quickly engulfing me in a huge, catching me by surprise, "I- I'm sorry..." Burying herself in the crook of my neck, small whimpers escaped her lips as she cried silently, "I... I- I should've he- helped you... In Shiganshina and in Trost... I j- just... Want to be by your side..." Tears escaped Mikasa's eyes and landed on my neck.

"Look at me." I said, but was only met with murmurs from Mikasa, "Mikasa, look at me." Mikasa reluctantly lifted her head up, her eyes meeting mine once again, "It wasn't your fault." My hands gently made their way to her face, resting my palms against her cheeks and wiping her tears with my thumb, "You did everything you could. I'm here now. You don't need to think about that anymore. I'll always be by your side." I gently stroked her hair and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

She slowly nodded and smiled, her eyes closing as her body relaxed from all the tension, "Ok, Y/n."

I sighed and looked up, the day wasted away and was now replaced with the dark blue sky of the evening, "We should probably head back now. It's getting pretty late." I stood up and looked down at Mikasa, holding my hand out to her so she could get up, "Here."

She slowly reached up and took my hand, our palms touching and her fingers filling in the gaps between my own digits. Walking back to the gates, I glanced back one more time, admiring the hill we were on, before soon stepping back into Trost, the landscape changing into houses and rocks.

"Did you enjoy today?" I asked Mikasa.

She nodded and turned her head a fraction towards me, her raised eyebrows becoming visible, "Did you?

I exhaled lightly through my nose and gave her a small smile, "I was kind of a mess, but I liked it."

Mikasa giggled quietly, a sound I rarely ever heard from her. I closed my eyes and let her giggle settle into my head, her soft and cute voice filling me with happiness, "You're always a mess."

I playfully sighed and dropped my head, "Yeah, you're not wrong." The Scout's HQ appeared in our view as a sad feeling fell upon me. I didn't want this day to end, but it had to.

Y/n and I stopped near the entrance of HQ as he reluctantly let go of my hand with a sigh, "I guess I should get going now." I walked up the stairs, my leges were tired and sore from walking all day. I looked back at Y/n as he waved at me, a saddened expression on his face.

I gave him a small, forced smile and waved back, "Goodnight, Y/n."

"Goodnight, Mikasa." Y/n sighed and walked away, his figure getting further and further away. I watched him until he was out of my line of sight. I felt s sharp pain in my heart, a heavy weight still on my shoulder. I didn't say the words I wanted to say to him. I can't say it... What if I lost him?

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