CP:326's containment room is outfitted with several sprinklers, which will produce a nerve agent. 326 is not allowed contact with humans more than once a month, this does not include tests or exams.
D:326 is a silhouette of a man, 5 foot 7. he seems to have a longcoat, pants, boots and a fedora. 326 does not remove these, nor does he seem to eat. 326 is able to communicate though, through French. 326 seemingly spends most time asleep, though this is dangerous as when 326 is 'sleeping' it will produce silhouetted creatures that will attack things. 326 was found in an abandoned asylum. the following is a recording translated into English
R: "hello 326"
326: "hello"
R: "do you know why you are here, 326?"
326: "i would assume, my sleeping problems?"
R: "yes, sleeping problems. what do these entail?"
326: "when i sleep, things happen. that leads to people getting hurt, which is why i lived in the asylum when everyone left"
R: "how long have you lived there?"
326: "A few years, i mostly slept through it
R: "yes, we have seen that"
326: "could i stay here?"
R: "Why?" 326: "it would be, nice to be safe while i sleep"
At this, the questioning ended and 326 was allowed to stay.
FILE #2 196-394
Fantasycollection of files. I took inspiration from things such as SCP Foundation. though each file is hopefuly mine or my friends ideas if you want to make your own file, send me it and ill post it. of course ill give you the credit for that file