CP:384 is kept within a standard containment room, powered up only during tests. 384 is not allowed to be accessed unless during a test.
D:384 is a capsule machine, covered with spray paint that translates to "machine of magic". when any coin of monitory value is placed into 384, and activated a capsule will be produced. this when opened will form a random effect. this has been recorded in the test long. 384 was found in {redacted}
test log
Test 1
money:1 penny/1 cent. USA Currency
effect: small explosion of confetti
Test 2
money:1 Nickle/5 cents. USA Currency
effect: small explosion(harming the opener with slight burns)
Test 3
money:1 dime/10 cents. USA Currency
effect: small piece of chocolate, left the eater with stomach pains and internal bleeding.
Test 4
money:1 quarter/25 cents. USA Currency
effect: toy dragon, which will fly around on command.
Test 5
money:2 quarters/50 cents. USA Currency
effect: silver ring, leaves a rash when worn
Test 6
money:3 quarters/75 cents. USA Currency
effect: small scorpion summoned
Test 7
money:4 quarters/$1. USA Currency
effect: eyeball, (examination show's it was the subjects own eye)
Test 8
money: 500-Yen Coin. Japanese Currency
effect: the opener faints, and when reawakening the opener will commit suicide trying to take as many people as they can with them.
Test 9
money: 100-Yen Coin. Japanese Currency
effect: produces an explosion of cherry blossoms.
Test 10
money: 50 Yen Coin. Japanese Currency
effect: produces a spider, which will bite and kill the opener
Test 11
money: 10-Yen Coin. Japanese Currency
effect: small flower, which will induce the opener into eating it. upon this, the opener will explode into more flowers. Test 12 money: Five-Yen Coin. Japanese Currency effect: {redacted}
FILE #2 196-394
Fantasycollection of files. I took inspiration from things such as SCP Foundation. though each file is hopefuly mine or my friends ideas if you want to make your own file, send me it and ill post it. of course ill give you the credit for that file