CP:204 is kept inside of a standard containment room inside of 204 is within the body of a human child, which must be monitored for signs of deterioration or rotting.
D:204 is a ghostly entity, that's only goal is to cause havoc and reek death on the world. 204 will posses a body to reek havoc, the younger the host the more easily 204. An control them. 204 chooses to primarily posses children because of how easy it is to infiltrate a place. 204 was discovered after several accounts of homicide committed by kids with no memory of them. 204 was then taken away by our organization and kept secure since then
FILE #2 196-394
خيال (فانتازيا)collection of files. I took inspiration from things such as SCP Foundation. though each file is hopefuly mine or my friends ideas if you want to make your own file, send me it and ill post it. of course ill give you the credit for that file