Ch. 20 - My Girl

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I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN something was wrong when I couldn't find Ace anywhere

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I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN something was wrong when I couldn't find Ace anywhere. He is always sitting at the top of the bleachers, watching each racer with his entire focus.

But I couldn't find him anywhere, and when I asked about him, everybody shrugged their shoulders.

Ace never misses a race especially when I'm racing.

Something is wrong.

Screw it. I'm going to go to Leah and get the hell out of here before something goes down. But as soon as I started walking off, somebody called my name.

"Joshua Carter!" Sebastian's voice called, making me freeze.

I wasn't scared of Sebastian. He could whatever he wanted to me, but he needed to leave my friends and my girl out of it.

I turned around to see Sebastian, smiling smugly. He had two buddies with him, and they were standing away from the crowd in the shadows.

"Can't get enough of me today, Sebastian?" I asked with a scoff.

Sebastian simply shrugged, still smiling,"I want to make a deal with you."

I rolled my eyes,"Go make a fucking deal with somebody else, asshole."

Annoyed, I was about to turn around, ready to walk to the parking lot to get to Leah. But then the dummy had to open his mouth.

"I don't know, Joshy. This deal only works with you," he replied, making me raise an eyebrow.

"What in the hell are you talking about?" I asked him, confused as hell.

Sebastian took a step forward,"I want you to let me win. I want you to lose the race."

I laughed with a shake of my head,"I would never let you win, but it doesn't even matter tonight because I have to leave."

"That's right. Gotta get Leah home, huh?" He taunted with a smirk.

My jaw clenched as my hands gathered in fists by my sides. He has no reason to talk about Leah, and he knows she's my weakness. He knows he's playing with fire, but he is about to get burn if he's not careful.

"Leave her out of this, Sebastian. You don't want to go there with me," I threatened, two seconds away from loosing my cool.

Sebastian tsked,"Well, sorry, but I already went there."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What did you do?"

All he did was smile like a fucking child.

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked, angrily, taking a few steps towards him.

His buddies took two steps forward, ready to protect him if needed.

"Y'know, you should call Xavier," the smug bastard said, tucking his hands in his jacket pockets.

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