Ch. 42 - Unexpected Reunion

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I WOKE UP WITH A POUNDING headache. I glanced around to see where I was at. The last thing I remember is Harrison putting me in the car.

Oh my gosh.

I sat up, suddenly, as fear washed over my body. I was standing in a simple bedroom that only contained a bed, a bathroom, and a wooden chair in the corner. That's it. No windows. No indication on where I am.

I ran to the door as fast I could. I twisted the doorknob, but of course it was locked. Panic immediately set in, and I took deep breaths as I paced back and forth.

I have to find a way out of here. I ran to the bathroom to look for a window. Luckily there was one small, rectangular window at the very top of the wall. I was too short to look out of it so I grabbed the wooden chair.

Once I stepped up on the chair, I could clearly see outside the window. It was nighttime, but all I could see were trees that went on forever. I tried to open it, but it was locked.

"Shit," I cursed as I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated.

I walked back into the bedroom, and I sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my lap, trying to figure out a way out of here.

I didn't know how much time passed. It wasn't until I heard somebody at the door that I jolted back to reality. I quickly got off the bed, and I leaned against the wall.

The door opened, shielding me from whoever was about to walk in. I heard the footsteps, but I didn't have a clear view of who it was.

I waited until the person was walking towards the bathroom to put my plan in action. I quietly slipped out from behind the door, and I quickly ran out of the bedroom without alerting the person. I ran down the hallway, and I heard footsteps running behind me.

"Help! Somebody help!" I screamed, about to run down the stairs. But before I could reach them, the person caught up to me. He grabbed me by my upper arm, tightly, and threw me against the wall.

I groaned in pain, and I looked at my attacker. I have never seen this dude before, and I don't like the way he is looking at me.

Once he got closer to me, I kneed him in his private parts, hard. Then I reeled my fist back, and I hit him square in the nose. I hit a crunch, and blood started pouring out of his nose.

"Fucking bitch!" He exclaimed as I ran down the stairs.

I heard him following behind me, and as soon as I got off the stairs, I ran down another hallway trying to find an exit. I glanced behind me to see how close this dude was.

And because I wasn't paying attention, I ran into somebody. The person wrapped an arm around my waist and put me behind them in a protective  way before I could see their face. Sparks lit up throughout my body.

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