Ch. 22 - Night Changes

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I AM GOING TO KILL SEBASTIAN Brooks. I am going to not only kill him, but I am also going to kill the guy that almost raped Leah.

That dude better be glad that I heard Leah screaming my name, and I didn't beat him up like Xavier did. If I was the one who did it, he wouldn't be breathing right now.

As I held Leah in my arms, all I could think about is her screams. They were filled with so much fear that I feel sick to my stomach as I heard them in my head. She was screaming for me to help her, and I almost didn't get to her in time.

I couldn't find her anywhere so I had to race Sebastian. Xavier was still looking for her while I raced, and as soon as the race started, he texted me telling where she was being held.

And I had a bad feeling that something was about to happen, and I was right. If I didn't drive out the race when I did, Leah would have been raped.

I don't even understand why she wants anything to do with me. I got her kidnapped, and she almost got raped because of me.

But here she is, sitting in my lap like I gave her the entire fucking universe.

"Where does she live again?" Xavier asked me from the driver seat.

Leah shook her head before I could answer. "No, no, no. I-I can't go home looking like t-this."

"I understand, Annie. It's okay," I soothed her as Xavier glanced at us in the rear view mirror.

"What do you want me to do? My parents are home tonight, and they will have a meltdown if you come in there with a girl," Xavier explained.

I nodded, knowing how his parents are. Even though they never want to be home with Xavier, when they are home, they are so strict it's suffocating.

"Just go to my house. Adeline and my father are on a business trip, and Asher was suppose to be going to a party in the city tonight. Nobody should be there," I answered, making him nod.

Leah settled back in my arms, and she snuggled into my chest as if I was going to disappear on her.

How the fuck can she sit here like everything is okay?

How can she not blame me for this?

If I were her, I wouldn't be anywhere around me. I can't even stand myself right now for what happened to her.

For the rest of the ride, my brain was overwhelmed with my thoughts and emotions. When Xavier parked my car in the driveway, he turned the car off.

"Annie, we are here," I whispered, making her sit up.

Leah moved off my lap, and I opened the door. I got out, and I helped Leah get out. She had mascara stains down her cheeks from crying, but she still looks beautiful to me.

I led her inside with Xavier behind us, and once we were inside, I turned the lights on. Xavier went straight to kitchen, probably to get an ice pack for his ribs.

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