Ch. 7 - Rumors

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I have kissed multiple girls before, but with Leah, it's like a fire has erupted through my body.

This is so much better than I imagined.

And yes, I have imagined kissing Leah ever since we were little.

Leah was taken back for a moment, but she played along. I wrapped my arms around her waist as the kiss deepened.

Then, even though I wanted to keep kissing her, I pulled back from Leah.

Leah's eyes opened, revealing her eyes.

God, her eyes!

Majority of people would just say her eyes are a normal brown, but they aren't. Her eyes are like milk chocolate, and around the edges, there is a darker brown outline her orb.

"Oh my gosh," she mumbled softly as she looked around.

I glanced away from her, and I saw everybody was watching us with their mouths ajar.

And Asher looked pissed.

It takes everything in me not to go over there and beat the absolute shit out of him for hurting Leah.

He doesn't deserve her.

Speaking of Leah, I looked back down at her, and she was pale white as everybody started whispering about what just happened.

"Come on, let's get to class," I told her, quietly, trying to get her out of here.

She nodded, and we made our way to class. Leah stayed silent the whole time, and I saw Jake and Xavier standing down the hallway with Eliza.

They all three noticed me right away, but I didn't care. I walked with Leah into the classroom where a few people were in here studying for the chemistry test we have later today.

I followed Leah to the back of the class, and I sat down right in front of her so if any dumbass tried to mess with her, they would have to get through me first.

I looked at Leah to see her playing with the sleeves of a gray sweatshirt.

My gray sweatshirt to be exact.

I hid a smile back, and I said,"You know, I'm thinking you are keeping my sweatshirt hostage."

Her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion until she looked down and realized that she was in my sweatshirt.

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