Ch. 32 - Drunk Leah

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I HELD THE FLOWERS IN MY HAND, tightly, as I stood in front of her headstone

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I HELD THE FLOWERS IN MY HAND, tightly, as I stood in front of her headstone. The sun was setting, and there was nobody in the graveyard.

I squatted down, and I placed the flowers on the ground, staring at her name.

beloved mother & friend

"Hey, Momma," I greeted, softly, tracing the picture of her on the headstone.

"Sorry I haven't been out here in a while. I'm been pretty busy," I apologized before sitting next to her headstone. I pulled my knees up, and I looked up at the sky.

"I have some news, though," I said, looking back at the headstone. "Leah and I are in love."

I was silent for a moment like I was waiting for a response I knew would never come. I took a deep breath before smiling, sadly.

"I bet you are telling me I told you so up there. You always knew Leah and I would end up together. It just sucks you aren't here to see it. Momma, she makes me so happy, and she makes me feel like I'm alive again. She makes me smile, Momma. Do you know how long it has been since I smiled?

She loves me for me, and I'm so grateful for that. But she's in danger, Momma. After you died, I was on my own. Daddy dearest hasn't done shit for me by the way. I pay for everything I have with my own money. The only thing that bastard did for me was put a roof over my head, but he threatens to kick me out every day. Anyways, in order to get money, I joined an illegal racing group. I know, I know. You would grab me up the ear and scold me to the next day, but I had to. I had to do what was needed to survive.

But Leah got wrapped up into it, and my enemy is after her. I don't know what to do. He keeps sending me messages about ways he is going to hurt her, and I can't do anything to stop him. I can protect Leah, but I can't put a stop to this because I can't find him. He disappeared, but I know he is close. How am I suppose to stop this, Momma?"

A tear rolled down my cheek, and I wiped it away, frustrated with my situation.

"I'll think of something. I always do," I said after minute of silence. "I just miss you so much. If you were here, everything would be better. I wouldn't have gotten involved with the racing group, and Leah would be safe from any danger."

I was about to say something else, but my phone stopped me. I grabbed it from my pocket, and I looked to see Leah was calling me.

I answered it, and I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hey, Annie. I was about to head over th-.." I started, but she cut me off.

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