Chapter Fifteen

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Mia's P.O.V.

Summer holidays came by quicker than expected. Rumors about Jeremy and I flew by just as they grew tired of the same old couple. Let's see, Jeremy is -well, not the type of person I expected him to turn out after a few months. The girls say it's because of me but I hardly believe that is the only reason. Tania has been giving me the stink eye while I do the best job of ignoring.

Jeremy told me that we should just flip her the bird or make a good show for her. I, of course, was the only reasonable thinking homo sapien between the two of us.

My phone rang at five in the morning. Turning on my night lamp, I pressed my phone to my ear. "Yeah?" "Happy birthday, Princess Leia!! I'm right on time, right? Please say yes!" I groaned in defeat, sitting up to lean against my headrest. "It's five in the morning, idiot," was my solemn reply to his cheery birthday wish. I guess, inside I was melting a little 'cause he remembered right on time.

"Meanie. I was the early bird for your birthday wish and that is what I get? Awful woman. Anyway, how about a hot makeout session for a present?" he asked in a playful manner. I knew he had that sexy as hell smile on on the other line. Damn, him!

"How about we reschudule instead? I'm beat," I moaned through the phone.

He whined like a baby at that. "Oh, come on. You're the birthday girl! Since you're awake, how about hitting the waterfalls then I'll take you out for lunch. What do you say, girlie?" His voice was getting even more raspy and deep and I absolutely hated how manipulative this kid can get. I sighed, dragging a hand over my face.

"How about something that involves my clothes on?" I queried teasingly. I knew he would be pouting adorably on the other line.

"I shouldn't be listening since it would bore me to death but maybe we could do this a little closer?" I snapped my head around, immediately. There he was, one hand wrapped around the tree trunk and the other was on his phone which was firmly pressed against his ear. He had the most heart-gripping smiles stretching across his lips while he pointed at my window. I scrambled up, pushing the window up. I held a hand out at him and he took it, climbing into my window.

"Do you know how much of an idiot you are? You could have died or something! What were you -" A warm hand slammed down on my mouth, forcing the words back in. "Leia, Leia, Leia. Has anyone told you how much of a worry wort you are? I have done that a million times before. No harm done." He gestured down at his body which I was finding was too distracting at 5 a.m..

He pulled his hand off my mouth and before I could force out any words, he cupped his hands over my suprisingly warm cheeks and placed a kiss on my forehead. It was probably one of the sweetest gestures I have seen out of Jeremy Cover.

"Happy birthday, princess." he whispered as he leaned his forehead againt mine. I could have melted right there and then. All I wanted to do was run into the bathroom, brush my teeth and kiss this painfully handsome guy senseless. "I wish I could kiss you," I voiced out my thoughts. A smile tilted up his lips. "We have all day. Today I'm completely yours, Amelia Anderson."

That was all it took for me to run into the bathroom and grab my toothbrush, squeezing out the toothpaste onto the brush.

Larissa' s P.O.V.

The corners of my temples were starting to itch profusely due to the blindfold that was draped over my eyes. I heard the car come to a stop, the driver's seat opened and slammed, my door opened to let in the warm summer air. A warm hand slid into mine, pulling me out of the car. I quickly slid my duffel bag over my shoulder.

He pulled the blinfold off my eyes and I stared and stared. "Very unexpected, huh?"

I slowly turned towards him and nodded.

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