Chapter Eighteen

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Jeremy's P.O.V.

"Amelia Anderson, don't you dare!" 

My yelling echoed all around the empty house. Mom and Lucy had to go into town to get some things and they promised me that they would come to the hospital as soon as possible. Yesterday, Larissa and Chris accompanied me to the hospital. The day before was David and Chelsea. So, you could guess who's turn it was today. The beautiful redhead before me rolled her eyes as she strode towards me and slung my arm over her shoulder. "I told you a trillion times, Jeremy. I'm not leaving your side," she muttered as she slung my duffel bag over her unoccupied shoulder. I sighed, not wanting to give in to her chocolate brown eyes.

"You are not skipping school just for me, Mia."

She thumped my chest and I winced dramatically. She gasped and continuously repeated apologies. "Shoot! I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Jer. I really shouldn't have -"

I silenced her with the peer pressure of my lips. She sighed into my mouth and my duffel bag dropped to the floor as she wrapped her slender arms around my neck. I slid my arms to her back, pulling her even closer towards me if that was possible. She fit right into my arms and I savoured her taste as much as I can. I hated being the negative thinker but my fingers blindly trailed down her closed eyes, her nose, her flushed cheeks and her jaw. I memorized her features with just my fingers like a blind man. She shivered at my touch and my lips pulled up into a smile. Glad to know that I still had my magic touch even though I was close to dying.

Surprisingly, she shoved me off of her and wiped her lips with the back of her hands. Her chocolate eyes had turned a dark brown, almost making it seem black when she glared at me. "I don't want your kisses if they are going to be the last ones you are giving me, Jeremy Cover," she spat out menacingly. My mouth parted open to let out a few sorry excuses but she was already slinging my bag over her shoulder and storming out of my house.

Jeez! Who knew a cute red mouse could even PMS like that?

"Come on, Mia! I really just wanted to kiss you then!" I yelled as I limped my way out. Oh, right. The limp was from my P.E. class which was before I told Mia anything. I made my way to my car, pulling hard on the handles. However, it was not budging. Mia sat in my driver's seat whilst sticking her tongue out and pulling her eyelid down. 

I sighed in exasperation. If I wasn't sick, I would broke the window with my bare hands and grabbed hold of that tongue with my teeth. Instead, I limped to the other side of the car and flung open the passenger seat, plopping my butt down in the passenger seat. Once I had put on my seatbells, Mia put the car into drive and smirked. 

That was when I realized I shouldn't have allowed this girl to drive.

Larissa's P.O.V.

I was in my deep slumber when the shrill sound of my phone ringing woke me up from my amazing  dream. Cursing the person who was callling me and interrupting my sleep, I pressed what I thought was the phone to my ears. Turns out it was an empty Mountain Dew bottle. Flinging it across the room, I sat up on my bed and opened my eyes just a little more, spotted the phone and pressed it to my ear.

"Hello?" I whispered in hushed tones.

"You are not Uncle Chris," a tiny, adorable voice answered back in annoyance. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, glancing at the number on the screen. It was an unknown number. I pressed the phone to my ear and climbed out of my bed, walking towards my balcony. "And may I know who you are?" I asked in amusement. 

"Nikki Cruz . Who are you?" she asked in that adorable voice again. This time she didn't sound annoyed. She sounded genuinely curious. "Name's Larrisa Wilde, Captain." I said in Jack Sparrow's voice. Giggles erupted from the other line before the adorable voice said in between giggles. "You." Giggle. "Are." Giggle. "Funny!" She burst into adorable giggles.

I found myself smiling at the voice. She had such an angelic laugh that sounded so much like Chris. Who was this girl? When I leaned over the railing of my balcony, I threw a rock at Chris' sliding window. The figure that was sound asleep on the bed, fell on the other side of the bed. I had to bite down on my bottom lip to keep from laughing. He stood up quickly to reveal his toned body. All abs and ripples. Ah, Dear God!

Dragging a hand over his face, he walked out to the balcony as well and mumbled, "What is it?" he asked in a sleep-laced voice. I pointed to the phone and resumed to press the loud speaker button on my phone. I heard a deep voice talking to Nikki now. 

"Who are you talking to, Nikki?" I saw Chris stiffen in the corner of my eyes. "Uncle Chris' girlfriend! She is so funny, Daddy." I heard a few hushed voices before -


I looked up at Chris and laced my fingers through his. Taking in a deep breath, he said nervously. "Hey, Luis." The other end was silent for awhile. "Chris?" the same voice came back but this time his voice was unsteady. "Yeah, it's me." 

Another stretch of silence. 

"I'm really sorry, Chris. I should have called or met up with you and your family. I shouldn't have -" "Don't do that, Luis. I don't want you to feel guitly about this. I was just as much of an idiot." I tightened my hold around Chris' hand. "No, you're not. You were only 12 back then." "No, I was -"

"Boys?" I interrupted their little banter. I was forced to wake up and now they were having a childish quarrel. Headache, much? 

"I just wanted to say that both of you are not in fault. Right, Nikki?" I heard a giggle before a girl squealing. "Right. You two should have a date together." I chuckled at that while Chris frowned childishly at the girl's comeback. I love this girl already.

"Why don't you two meet up? I mean, maybe in the end of the year during the term break." I looked over at Chris and he nodded. "I don't mind. Luis?" The man said with his accent on the other line after calming down his adorable litle girl. 

"Fine by me. I'll meet you there in the beginning of December, Chris."

Mia's P.O.V

"Jeremy, would you please stop shaking like a leaf and come out of that car?" I demanded. Big deal! I sped through the highway since I wanted to shake him up a little but this was just beyond Sharpay Evans' drama class. He was holding on to his seat while his whole body trembled in fear. He shot his cerulean blue eyes in my direction and they were filled with fear. "What the hell was that for, woman?" He said in a fearful voice. 

 I shrugged uncaringly. "I don't know. I guess it was a little fun at the time." 

He stared at me some more and I simply rolled my eyes. "Come on then. Don't want to be late for your doctor's appointment." He pulled the beanie over his head before running his fingers through his sexy mess of a hair. He held his hand out to me and I hauled him out of the car with a strength that I didn't know I could master. He flung his arm over my shoulders as I slung his duffel bag over my shoulder. 

We limped/walked towards the hospital entrance, right through the elevators without sparing anyone else a second glance. I always hated the atmosphere of the hospital. It just reeked death and I loathed that fact. "Hey. You okay there?" Jeremy asked in a hushed voice as he slipped a piece of my hair behind my ear. I smiled up at him and told him honestly. 

"I've always hated the hospital, that's all." He frowned at that but continued to stroke my hair. "If you did, why did you come here with me?" I flicked his forehead violently and he winced. I looked away from his eyes and crossed my arms under my chest. "I've told you my reasons a million times, Jer. I do not have to repeat myself."

He tilted my chin up to meet my lips when -


Both of us snapped our gazes towards the source and I felt my jaw drop at the sight. 

Hehehe... I think that qualifies as a cliffie, right? Anyway, I might upload only next week Saturday or probably the week after next cause of my exams. But I'll try as hard as possible and also the story isn't abut to end yet, my loves. <3 :D

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