Chapter Seven

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Chris' P.O.V.

I dropped my bag on my bed and took a long bath. Once again, I found myself thinking about Larissa and the test David and Jeremy gave me. Denial was my best friend for a reason so I was going to go ahead and say that I refused to believe that I was in love with Larissa Wilde. Then again, I reconsidered the fact that from the very first day I met Larissa, my heart couldn't stop beating madly. Everytime I saw her smile or laugh or the way she was so friendly with me just made my heart thump out of it's place.  Guys are already starting to notice her like today a guy actually sat next to her during lunch break and Larissa was all smiley face but she has always been like that.

When did you turn this soft? You are Christopher Valentine! Son of Jasper Valentine. An absolute player and a bad boy. Where was this ridiculous thoughts coming from?

I shook that thought off and came out of the bathroom. I changed into some clean clothes and went over to my glass window. She was not in her room so I shrugged and walked out of my room and descended the stairs. Mom was on the couch, watching a movie. I laid my head on her lap and looked up at her. 

"Hey, Mom."

She smiled down at me and ruffled my hair.

"Hi, honey."

We watched the movie in silence but that didn't last long. I hesitated before asking Mom. "Mom?"

"Hmm." At least I got her attention.

"Could I ask you something?"

She looked down at me and hooked her fingers through my hair. It felt so nice to be held like a little kid again. She locked her chocolate brown eyes with my own brown eyes.

"What is it? You don't look too well."

I sat up slowly and her gaze was still locked on mine. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed deeply. Better now or never. "Well. . .there's this girl in school. . ." I said, carefully choosing the right words to comprehend.

Mom's eyes widened gradually and her lips pulled up into a bright smile. I knew that look way too well.

"Yes?" She was killing me like literally stabbing a knife in my stomach.

"It's just. . .whenever I look at her, I feel like I've known her for so long and she makes me a better person. But I don't know what I really feel for her. It's not like I have ever been in love before."

"First, tell me about this girl," Mom said in a calm voice. Was she serious?

Could she have asked a harder question? I ran my fingers through my hair again and groaned under my breath. This woman was really testing my patience. I leaned my head back and thought of a million things to describe someone as amazing as Larissa.

"She loves to smile and she's always happy. I don't really know a lot about her 'cause she's new in school. She plays the guitar and loves music. She is really good with kids and she has a beautiful voice."

Mom had a teasing look on her face. One of knowing and understanding. She was also watching me with wide eyes like I had suddenly grown a third eye on my forehead.


Mom shook her head and had a small smile appearing at the corner of her lips. "Christopher, from my point of view, I think you are in love with this girl."

I looked at her with a puzzled look on my face. The word that I have been convincing myself never would happen to me spilled out of her lips with ease. 

"What makes you say that?" 

Mom cupped my cheeks between her palms and searched for some sort of clue in my eyes when she told me the next words. "a) You started by telling me about her and never once mentioned how she looked like. That could only mean you are loving her not with your eyes but with your heart. b) Your father has the same dazed look everytime I see him. He is so head over heels." 

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