Chapter One

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I was driving my Buggati Veyron at a speed of 408 km/h in a restricted area. It was in the middle of the night and there were zero cars in the road. I ran my hands through my hair and gripped the steering wheel harder. Damn, that girl really did a number on me. My neck was so damn sore from all the twisting and my hair? It was more dishelleved than it ever should be. What was her name again? Lucy? Oh, I didn't give a shit about it!

I reached out and turned on the radio. One Direction's 'Live While We're Young' came blasting from the radio. I was grinning from ear to ear as I hummed to the rhythm of the song. It reminded me of that one time, Jeremy had told me the true meaning of a little verse in the song. I chuckled to myself and started reaching out a hand to look for a bottle under my seat. I cursed aloud when my hand came back out. Empty. Mom must have cleaned up the car.

I banged my hand on the steering wheel and let out some more profanities. Just then, I heard the sound of sirens from behind me. Panicking a little, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a police car trailing behind me. 


I decided to choose whether to have some fun with a police officer and get reported to Dad or just give in.

I sighed and chose the latter. I slowed down my car which took a while and pulled over by the side of the road. The police car stopped a few feet behind me. I took out my wallet from my pocket and searched for my driver's license. I trudged my wallet back into my wallet and sat back in the seat. I knew how to put on a poker face and when I should just lash out. 

The officer tapped on my window. I rolled it down and looked up at the officer. I couldn't see his face at first beause the flashlight in his hand was making my vision blur. I covered my eyes and mumbled out. "Excuse me, officer but could you move the flashlight away?"

"Jesus, kid! What were you thinking? You could have -"

Wait! I knew that voice! I looked up and almost felt a short circuit through me. The officer had dark brown hair that was neatly combed to the side when it was usually messed up. He had dark blue eyes that was at the moment serious and shocked when it was supposed to be gleaming with mischief and laughter. There were circles under his eyes like he was sleep deprived or something. His tan got slightly lighter when that was what made chicks dig him in the first place.

"Christopher Valentine?"

"Zachery Tomson?" I asked as I stared back at him.

He laughed humorlessly as he leaned his hand on the car door and said, his eyes widening gradually, "God! It is you."

I looked at him and grinned.

"I can't believe it. You are a cop?"

He nodded and started to explain.

"After my dad died, I was really upset which was also the very reason I stopped coming to school. The other reason was because the chief of police said that if I replaced my dad, the amount of salary given to my dad would remain. Mom told me that I should just go back to school and finish my studies. . .but I knew that I was responsible for my mum and my siblings. So I quit school and took my dad's place."

"Your father must be really proud of you," I said, smiling at him. It felt good seeing him. 

"You really want to die at the age of seventeen in a Buggati Veyron? Good idea, man," Zachery said sarcastically as he smiled solemnly. 

"Well, I would do that but I haven't found my soulmate, or gotten married or gotten a dozen of babies yet. So, maybe next time."

He gave me a lopsided smile and shook his head. 

"You never change, do you?"

"Same old, same old. You defintely changed, though," I decided to point out. 

"Well, I am always working double shifts and it has been days since I slept. I hate to say this but I really miss school and you guys," he said before sighing.

"You know, Karen is still waiting for you," I said.

Zach's face hardened at the mention of Karen and his dark blue eyes went watery. I was surprised when I saw a drop of tear rolling down his cheek. I had never seen Zachery cry before except maybe when we were kids but this was truly unexpected. 

I got out of my car and gave him a pat on the back. Damn it! I had no clue on comforting people. 

Zach angrily wiped off the tears and looked up at me. He looked horrible. "I must look like an idiot at the moment."

I don't say anything because I don't know what to say. I don't know what love is or how it can hurt when it is the only happiness(according to people) in this world. So I shake my head and tell him the truth. "No, you don't. I may not know what love is like - but I know that you still love Karen just like she does and you wouldn't just dump her."

He smiled at me and said, "You know, man. One day, you will know how love is like."

I don't think so, buddy and let out runts and runts of laughter in my head.

I grin at him and said through gritted teeth, "Sure I will."

Zach shook his head one last time and walked back into his car. He rolled down his window and shouted at me, "Go fall in love, asshole!' I rolled my eyes and waved him goodbye. 

Just like that, he drived off and left me standing in the middle of the road. 

One day, you will know how love is like.

That thought kept playing in my head and finally, I decided to shake it off before getting back in the car. I drove back home.

Hey, my lovely readers! I know... I haven't even finished my first book! Anyway, I wrote this book a year ago without even having any ideas of posting it. So please, vote and comment! Love you all!!! :D

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